Long time lifter, first cycle


New member
Hi all,

First of all a little about myself.

Age - 29
5 ft 9
93 KG
Bodyfat 18%
14 Years lifting
Job - Factory work, up to 20,000 steps a day most days.
Diet - Average 2500 calories a day, 250 Grams of protein, 150 Grams of carbs, 70 grams of fat.
Cardio - 25 minutes each training day, 15 minute hill climb, 10 minute interval bike sprints.
Lifting - Stable, Bench, Squat, Dead and Over head press once a week at least usually 1 rep max, with another body part IE bench/triceps.

I've been training regularly for the last 14 years natural. I always trained for strength and size more than anything and most of my gains where through food only diets, no protein, no supplements etc. I have seen good results from my training but I had never achieved a body I was really comfortable with. I was sizable but if I'm honest quite fat, so last year I started eating right and training differently.
I have currently lost 30kg in weight and managed to hold onto a lot of my strength and most of my muscle with dieting alone.

Now is the time I take it somewhere else, I am thinking of running my first cycle as I am going on holiday in 13 weeks and I am just looking for a leaner body ( I have no misconceptions I'm going to look great after dropping all my weight but I'm damn gonna try!)

For my first cycle I am looking at running.

500mg Test E, split Monday, Thursday for the first 6 weeks of my cycle to see how my body reacts.
Clen - 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for the duration (My first time past 2 weeks on this, opened the door to this cycle really from "my guy"
T3 - weeks 6 - 12 tapering up and down
Arimadex -ED .25mgs

PCT - Nolva to start 2 weeks after my last injection for 3 weeks, 40mg a day for first 5 days then 20mg each day.

Any input welcome, fully expecting to get slaughtered for something I've put on here but all welcome, thanks all
Start by reading this thread and all its links to educate yourself: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a.../675497-ology-frequently-asked-questions.html

I'll chime in on a few things but you need to read that thread youll be able to fix up this cycle.
Did you get blood work for a base line to go by?

Just run the test 500mg the whole cycle. Your first cycle need to get dialed in on ai for that dose and maintain your e2 in range. 250mg monday morning 250mg thurs evening will be every 3.5 days.

Adex start .25mg eod and dial in at mid cycle blood work again your first cycle need to dial in ai.

How much clen? You can liquid keto and use 1mg daily and you can run the clen for up to 6 weeks. Keeps betavreveptors clean.

How much t3? 89mcg is my sweet spot. Have you ever run it?

Should add clomid to your pct. Recomended here. Nolva and clomid work in synergy for easier recovery. It should be 4 weeks

How about HCG? Keeps testes active and promotes recovery and helps with atrophy (nut shrinkage)

Should plan on bloodwork pre, mid and post cycle
Thanks for the reply, Yeah I'll read that, anything for more guidance.

Noted about the split for test and adex doses.

Clen - I started on 30mg a day for 3 days, 60 for 3 days, 90 for 3 days, and then 120 thereafter. I got tablets basically for ease of use. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off was to ease myself into it, I don't really see any sides from it but I am being cautious and not going any higher to begin with.

T3 - 25mg for 5 days, then 50, 75, 100, 75, 50, 25 each 5th day. This will be my first time using it.

Clomid - Yeah I'll add that to the list as well thanks for the heads up. Won't the clomid help with HCG?

Bloods - I, to be quite honest don't know how to go about this, I live in the UK and with the NHS I'm pretty sure they wouldn't advise me on anything to Help just to deter.

Clen - I started on 30mg a day for 3 days, 60 for 3 days, 90 for 3 days, and then 120 thereafter. I got tablets basically for ease of use. 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off was to ease myself into it, I don't really see any sides from it but I am being cautious and not going any higher to begin with.

T3 - 25mg for 5 days, then 50, 75, 100, 75, 50, 25 each 5th day. This will be my first time using it.

Holy sh*t brother, they are HIGH doses for those orals.....

If you can tolerate 120 of Clen with no sides, you've either got bunk stuff, or you're a freak.... I suspect the former!

Also 100 T3 is crazy high...
I was told I could go as far as 180 (60mg tabs) but thought I'd play safe, only thing I've notice is a bit shaky but nothing to call home about. I won't post the brand but for what it's worth the come with a verification code and I'm currently getting them of a bodybuilder I work with ( again for what it's worth)

T3 - So I should max at 75mg if that dose is too high.

I hope your having a typo. You should be using those in mcg doses not mg.

If you are using mg of those products at those doses definitely bunk.

I can go up to 200mcg of clen and like I said 80mcg of t3 both RUI products with great results.

Just to let you know 200mcg of clen is = to .2 mg.
89mcg of t3 is = to .80mg
Anymore than 80mcg of 'good' Clen and I'm a jibbering wreck....

Seriously guys, those doses aren't needed if you're diet is in check. Let the calorie deficit and the training do the work, the AAS is just to hurry things along.
Last edited:
Yeah my bad, mcg it is, my diet and routine basically got me where I am now so I'm just looking to take it that bit further now after being around the 93kg range for 3 month, I had the choice to continue losing weight and the possibility of losing a lot of size and strength, or try to keep my gains and take the leap into a cycle.
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I d say u got some experts interacting with you and as I m not one...especially with clen ( makes me jittery ) or thyroid enhancing drugs I ll keep my usually loud bellicose mouth shut.

As an older guy I will say , just a cautionary note..that tweaking ur throid and running clen is adding to a po poree (?) of exo drug s with the exo AAS and using ai s to try to maintain a semblance of homeostasis which ur body will fight for like a lion.
Holiday in 3-4 months--awesome. I know we all want to shine esp. around the pool or beach whatever.

U can only speed fat loss x amount in y months and even w the drugs I know lil about I d say go slow with them as u r so young but I m Mr.Low dose or better still no dose w new stuff as I m done for as a serious user and def. waaaay to old to be an abuser.
The body can absorb an amazing amount of punishment and tweaking. But when 50 clock s u realize there s a reckoning. I m blessed w a high metabolism and a nympho s dick. Thank god. You can t do a serious recomp...serios..in 3 months but u can in 6, 9 , 12. Be safe now save urself later.

Thanks for the advice teutonic, I honestly thought my dosing for clen was reasonable, as for the t3 that was an unknown but I'm going to follow the advice and max at 75mcg.

I know my timing really couldn't be any worse for my first time, if I'd of puckered up the courage to do it earlier this year I probably wouldn't of done as much reading as I did so would probably be worse off again!

I'm being cautious with everything I'm going to be doing I don't intend to **** about with much more than test, unless I get the bug and can't shake it :/
Don t ever regret or worry about timing...just...time better next time and that only come s with experience and again I m not being critical or negative. But im 52 in 3 weeks...so I see 23 yr s of building the perfect beast and all the time in the world to acquire the look u want AHEAD of you. EDon t sweat this holiday and stress urself or ur body to hard.

There s more holiday s to come mate. Let s plan on next years being stellar.

Have fun w the run...
Drop the clen and T3. Save those for cutting. If you wanna bulk, those will be counter productive. You might say "i want to stay leaner" , then you go on a lighter caloric surplus. Don't throw drugs at it.