Looking for advice/feedback on planned PH cycle

I've never used PH's before, and so I figured it would be wise to seek out some advice from those with more knowledge and experience.
I'm thinking about doing an 8wk cycle of PP's 1-T LV (5mL per day) stacked with Turinabol LV (2mL per day) and AndroHard (5mL per day).
I figure that with the lower doses I can hopefully avoid most of the side effect as well as lower the importance of PCT, but also hopefully get good strength/size gains.

Haven't lifted weights in close to 3yrs due to a back injury. I'm fully recovered (or at least as much as I can be) now and starting to get back into using weights, while also increasing the intensity of my other areas of exercise (bodyweight training, isometrics, plyometrics, running, and jujitsu).

* Increase muscular size, strength, and endurance
* Lose weight / BF%
* See results sooner, rather than later

I'm about ready to kick my fitness/weight training into high gear and I want to maximize the return on my efforts. I'm sick of looking in the mirror and seeing a shell of my former self, I want to get the old me back as soon as possible but without destroying my overall health in the process. Any advice, insight, or feedback would be most welcomed... thanks
That would be a solid cycle, i would toss in some liver juice or some liver aid while on for sure atleast during the turinabol lv. Make sure you have a pct setup also.
i dont think you need all that.
Turinabol LV should be good by itself.(with milk thistle and hawthern berry during, Nolva for PCT)

Im cycling Turinavol LV right now. It doesnt need a stack. just a good diet.

also maybe check out Epistane or Havoc...they are good Phs to start with as well.
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I guess my first question is.....your doing this cycle as a shredding cycle I'm assuming after reading your goals?????

PS. whats is your height & weight?