Looking for advise on long cycle since already on HRT


New member
42 here...been working out strong for 9 years. Off and on before than. I have been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the past 5 years. I decided that I wanted more and went on my first cycle past couple months.

Sust 270. 1cc three times a week or EOD. I follow a strict diet of low glycemic ( no not diabetic) calorie intake is around 4500. The low glycemic was a diet that I was given when I went on the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program.

I am considering getting off the expensive Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program that I am on and looking to cycle and cruise or stay at an elevated amount. I have had great gains from this and really want to continue as much as possible. Since I don't have to worry about post cycle therapy (pct) because I am already on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I was wondering what others have done.

I would prefer to stay at an elevated amount of testosterone for longer than 12 to 14 weeks. thoughts, advice ? I would greatly appreciate it.
42 here...been working out strong for 9 years. Off and on before than. I have been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for the past 5 years. I decided that I wanted more and went on my first cycle past couple months.

Sust 270. 1cc three times a week or EOD. I follow a strict diet of low glycemic ( no not diabetic) calorie intake is around 4500. The low glycemic was a diet that I was given when I went on the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program.

I am considering getting off the expensive Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) program that I am on and looking to cycle and cruise or stay at an elevated amount. I have had great gains from this and really want to continue as much as possible. Since I don't have to worry about post cycle therapy (pct) because I am already on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) I was wondering what others have done.

I would prefer to stay at an elevated amount of testosterone for longer than 12 to 14 weeks. thoughts, advice ? I would greatly appreciate it.

Your first blast is 810mg/wk? That's a pretty hefty dosage to start at; I'm curious why you think you need that much to see positive changes. What's your testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage at right now? I also hope that you have an aromatase inhibitor to go along with such a high dose of testosterone as estradiol (potent form of estrogen) is made by your body in an attempt to balance things out hormonally. This is great if you have normal levels of testosterone, but not so good when pushing into supraphysiological levels of T. There are many side effects commonly seen when E2 is allowed to go wildly out of control.

It's hard to beat a legal testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) program, and there are always cheaper methods of staying on a doctor prescribed program instead of just dropping it and going on your own. I'd personally check into doctors like your primary care physician and see what he can do. If you have insurance, it may even be covered if you so desire. Just some food for thought.

I personally am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and do blast for up to 20 weeks at a time. The key thing here to remember is that you need to stay on top of your health. I recommend frequent blood tests which can be acquired privately online for as cheap as 50 bucks, which give a great snapshot on how your body is handling the androgens. I typically recommend doing this before a blast, in the middle of one (5-7 weeks in) and one at the end after you've gone back to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doses for a month. This helps you to take corrective action and to ensure you're not damaging your body through neglect. There's a great sticky on how to do this in the AAS forums, I suggest you take a look at it.

My .02c :)
Thanks halfwit for your advice. I should have said that I did not start the high of a dosage but mid way decided to add an extra 1cc shot per week so that it was basically EOD. I did this because I did not think I was getting enough results. I have not gained a pound during this and I have talked with others including a doctor about it. I am not skinny by any means but when I went on the cycle it kicked in my metabolism and its running very very high. Normally with the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) they average that with my blood results I am 30% above the norm. Now its in overdrive.

I know there are big differences in strength and in size.... shirts are getting very small on me and I am hearing from others that they see a difference. Again - thought with increasing my calorie intake that I would have gained (bulked up more) more...but I can tell you I can not eat more that 4500 clean calories.

I do take armidex from my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doctor weekly. (one benefit of being legit).

I work out 6 days a week. 5 days of weight training and one day dedicated to cardio and abs. I split body parts up and focus on them 30 to 45 minutes depending on routine that day.

Personally I don't want off of the stuff, I want to see how much I can gain from this. (yes I caught the bug).

again thanks for the advice!