Looking for legit Prohormones

ight thanx guys...are there any supps that can help out wit this problem? such as miilk thistle helps the liver.....or would it just be wise to wait till 2m to g2 the doc and get something perscribed?
I am going to be honest here. In the past I never understood why people thought test alone would do wonders and I really didn't want to pin so I ran PH once.

But recently with Shelby I have been running test alone for my cycle. No stacking nothing, and I truly didn't think it would do much because everybody STACKS. Stacks upon stacks. But with his diet and training I have to say this is the greatest cycle, EVER! Not a lot of oils being pinned, very easy, my health is absolutely perfect, I feel amazing, I losing fat and gaining size on zero carbs with intense workouts and cardio everyday.

It has been the greatest thing ever and I would say try for 450mg of test a week and split the dosage to EOD pinning (so 120mg EOD). It is absolutly amazing and I am LOVING this cycle.

Now if you only want to try a PH I would say Helladrol or Hdrol or HaloX (they are ALL the same PH) would be a great cycle. Dry gains, size and strength gain, with great fat loss.

Do 75mg a day (it is it's sweet spot and after that you will get a lot more sides than benefits and that is something you do NOT want to do).

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I'm on trt and before hand I'd use to run ph. I ran beastdrol the orig forumla and was wicked stuff. Lot of pretenders out there, but if you do your homework, and check out logs you can find solid ones. By far my fav is msten by iml. They make all around solid stuff but it's the first ph i took in which I came off my trt for the duration. I felt that damn good and had minimal sides. Strength went up along with size. Orbit Nutrition - Buy IronMagLabs M-STEN Rx Cheap!
Helladrol is a long time proven one.

N2BM has the gk line that are all stacks. Id go for one of them, there is oxandrovar, Dianabulk and primobolan.
pinning test is best bet of course, most prohormones have an ill effect on the liver because it is being metabolized by the liver, if the liver shuts down u die lol, so take care of it. for those looking for a comprehensive list of ph's, check out orbitnutrition Orbit Nutrition - Prohormones For Extremely Cheap


Brawn is a really good PH and it is really mild and that also goes for its effects on one's liver. I would say for a starter to start with it

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