Looking for some advice, test/deca/dbol



Hello, when i was in my early 20's i did some cycles of sustanon, dbol, etc.. I'm now 30 hitting the gym 5 days a week.. I eat lots but have a difficult time gaining. I've been doing some re-search and decided I want to run a test/deca/dbol stack but every sight I've been searching seems to have different info about estrogen blockers. I can't seem to figure out what a good scheduale would be. I'm 5'8, 148 pounds. If there is any advice anyone could give be about running this stack most effectively and what blockers I should have on hand I would greatly appricate it. Thanks
Best advice I can give you is eat!

That being said test/deca/dbol is a great cycle. You should run aromasin 12.5-25mg a day. You should have caber or prami on hand for prolactin sides. Cycle should look something like this:

Dbol 50mg ed 4-6 weeks
Test e or c 500mg a week 1-14
Deca 400mg a week 1-12

Pct start 2 weeks after your last test inject clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20. Run the aromasin all the way through pct. Deca shuts you down hard so I'd definitely run hcg with that cycle. Oh and in case I forgot to mention.... EAT!
if u r 5'8" and 148 after your cycle u will drop back down to about 150 so it wouldnt be worth it IMO. look at the thread "3J's free diet advice" and find a good diet on the first page, stick to the diet until u hit about 170-180 bud, then think about some gear. just my .02
if u r 5'8" and 148 after your cycle u will drop back down to about 150 so it wouldnt be worth it IMO. look at the thread "3J's free diet advice" and find a good diet on the first page, stick to the diet until u hit about 170-180 bud, then think about some gear. just my .02

agreed . steroids without enough food is like a racecar without gas = useless.
Agree with all post.

500 test
400 deca
50 dbol.

Aromisin 6.25 a day up to 25mg if needed.

Caber in pill form only .5 2-3 times a week. I hate prami so I don't remember doses.

Hcg 250iu twice a week and blast before pct.

Food food and more food. Heavy, high intensity, low volume training. Something like 5/3/1 or DC, or 5x5 without changing them or adding to them would be a good idea and like Dawg would say, save the money you want to spend on gear and buy groceries with it. Lol. But it's good advice.

It would also be very smart to get with 3J for a diet because you can't grow if you don't eat and it's difficult in guys who can't eat to grow off cycle. Years ago when I was playing a fast paced sport, we used gear, but I had to have a trainer come up with a diet for me to add muscle because I burned so many calories in a day and was naturally skinny as a kid, and at that time gear wasn't adding weight. But when I began to eat the right things at the right times, I began to grow, become stronger, and kept my endurance and agility.
all the compounds in the world wont make you grow if your diet is crap...

either go to my free diet advice thread and read everything in post 1 for critique or email me at 3jdiet@gmail.com

the way i see it you wanted to add 20-30lbs on cycle and were about to spend hundreds of dollars on that.. for a fraction of the price i can get those 20-30lbs on you naturally over the next 3 months..

dont be stupid and put crap in your body for no reason.. be smart about your investments and your body..

good luck
^^^Jesus can't the moderators do something about this^^^ 3 post of complete shit that doesn't help the op at all.
^^^Jesus can't the moderators do something about this^^^ 3 post of complete shit that doesn't help the op at all.

i have a life to and i dont get paid for this shit . dont quote spam or make a thread bitching about it again.
a spammer bumped it but since justin so graciouslly posted about it the post stayed at the top even after i deleted the spammers.
Sorry Dadawg...I understand you don't get paid for this. I should've paid attention to the date of the post. I'm on other ls1 forums (drag cars) and the fucking spammers are all day on those forums. So when I see them on this forum, where they especially should not be let in, or kept around, it's just one of those things that I can't stand. No offense and my apologies