Loss of sex drive after last cycle


New member
Anyone else ever had a drastic decrease in sex drive after a Test cycle?? It has now been almost a year since the cycle and nothing has changed. Wish I could get that old school boy sex drive back now. Been with my wife for 3 years now so that could be some of it.
strictaddict said:
get some tribulus, some people claim it doesnt work. makes me wake up with the fattest stiffy

He said "stiffy"...LOL.. :)
Also, throw in some DHEA!! That's what I use between cycles to keep my mood elevated, hormones spot-on, and libido up! Works well for me. If you are over 175lb, start at 50mg ever day building up to 100mg or 150mg over the course of a few weeks, then cruise on it for a few months. You'll see a difference.
1.) Test C -12 weeks at 500-750

2.) Test E-11 weeks at 500-750

3.) still unsure of what I want to try

The problems came after the 2nd cycle with the test e. Took me 3-4 months to recover my sex drive the least bit. Honestly, am still not back to where I was before I started the cycle.

Bad News- I did no post cycle therapy (pct). Knew nothing of it. except for some 6-OXO
thats why you didnt recover. get a hold of some clomid and tribbulus and run that first before you start another cycle.
what is DHEA???

JayC said:
He said "stiffy"...LOL.. :)
Also, throw in some DHEA!! That's what I use between cycles to keep my mood elevated, hormones spot-on, and libido up! Works well for me. If you are over 175lb, start at 50mg ever day building up to 100mg or 150mg over the course of a few weeks, then cruise on it for a few months. You'll see a difference.
this might sound stupid but what is DHEA?? as ive had a slight problem my self!!
DHEA is a legal over the counter hormone thats suposed to increase mood, sex drive, muscle growth rate and i beleive fat loss rate? And JayC if you're sitll reading this I got a question for you about it. Whatbrand do you use, and are all brands the same? I'm at 5'3 112 lbs right now and am reletively new to lifting and trying to bulk as fast as posible without going into actual gear. I'm taking 50mg DHEA but don't really notice much from it. on the bottle it says its made by MRM.
im on 75mg of dhea right now and let me tell you... when i wake up in the middle of the nite to piss my dick like a damn pole i have to bend over the toilet then i end up pissing all over the floor. hahaha but thats the only real results ive gotten from it. no weight gain or strength gain. but i hear they dont come till about 4-6 weeks
I know this thread has been inactive for a while...hopefully one of you guys will be able to help out

I just finished my first 'real' cycle (i tried EQ last summer by itself but didnt really take anything else with it).
I was on sust 250, tren, eq and test e (not all at once obviously!)

I wont say i'm some super stud or pornstar (lol), but i was good for at least 2-3 long sessions a day in bed before i started the cycle (i'm 33 yrs old btw).

I noticed that the first 3 weeks/month on the cycle, my sex drive went thru the roof..i wanted to have sex literally every hour or two, but my stamina dropped...? i figured it was just the test and tren messing with me. After the first month and a half i noticed that my sex drive/libido slowly started to decline...After 2-2.5 months it was really down, to the point where i was getting worried because i had never experienced that before. I got worried to the point where i cut the cycle somewhat short!
So i'm pretty sure i tapered the steroids off properly: i stopped the most androgenic one first then about a week later the 2nd most androgenic one and so forth (tren first, then test-E then EQ)
I waited 2 weeks after my last shot of EQ (which was the last steroid i was injecting) before i started my post cycle therapy (pct). I'm currently in my 2nd week of post cycle therapy (pct)
my post cycle therapy (pct) consists of:
- HCG (~1750-2000ui every 5 days)
- clomid (150mg every other day the first week, then 100mg, then 50)
- novadex (yes i know its not nolvadex - its supposed to boost natural test in a similar way to nolvadex)
- tribulus (~1500mg day)
- 'anabolic extreme - retain' (2 pills a day)

I'm REALLY stressed right now cus my libido is non existant. I know it's only 2 weeks into my post cycle therapy (pct), but i got nothing right now - and to go from being good in bed, to being $hit is killing me!

My question to you guys who have done post cycle therapy (pct)'s before, is how long (generally) before you started to feel your sex drive come back? I'm just looking for some general numbers so i can draw my own conclusion.

any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!
Alright, heres part of the problem if not all of it. Youve only been on post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks and the long acting esters in the test e and EQ havent even cleared your system yet. your post cycle therapy (pct) is all screwed up. you don quit the most androgenic roid first, you quit the longest ester first which is EQ, then the test, then the tren (assuming its tren acetate.) Stop taking everything right now for a week then start your post cycle therapy (pct) of clomid all over again. nothing else.

And be patient, even with proper pct, you still might lose your sex drive for a month or so.