Lost 9lb overnight....need help

I have gone from 191lb to 235lb in 4 weeks but lost 9 pounds last night... I can't figure it out. I even ate a whole pizza last night and still lost weight! It just seems the more I eat the more I shit...

LEFT = 3/NOV/2011
RIGHT = 11/DEC/2011


Can someone help on my diet.... I'm 6'4.... my strength is increasing every day so the only thing I can think of is my diet is shit. I didn't train since 2003, so this is my come back. I watched a video of a pro bb who says he eats 25 breast chickens per day.... but I'm struggling to even eat what I'm already eating... I am completely force feeding to near vomiting.

My serving size is quite large in each meal.

breakfast: 7am
oatmeal + peanut butter + whey powder mixed in the milk

breakfast 2: 9am
2 eggs + hash browns + 2 chicken breasts + bread

lunch: 12pm
a) spaghetti x 2 bowls
b) meat + rice + 4xchicken tenderloins
c) fried pork + rice and spaghetti

Afternoon tea: 3-4pm
a) butter soaked toast + peanut butter AND peanut butter milk toast
b) fried pork and rice + peanut butter milk toast

Dinner #1: 6pm - 7pm
a) 2 x chicken breasts with peanut butter spread on top + broccoli + white rice
b) meat + beans + white rice

Dinner #2: 10pm
whey 25g protein + peanut butter 1tbs + oat meal + milk AND (1 x double cheese burger OR 2 x KFC breast fillets)

Dinner #3: 12am
a) meat + veges + white rice
b) 2 x chicken breasts with peanut butter + rice + broccoli
c) 2 x double cheese burger
Just reading that diet makes me want to go toss a 18 oz T-bone on the grill! Chicken/ peanut butter over load :)

Just wanted to touch on this 9 lbs of weight dropped in a day thing. If that is indeed correct it's nothing but water that you were retaining.
Just reading that diet makes me want to go toss a 18 oz T-bone on the grill! Chicken/ peanut butter over load :)

Just wanted to touch on this 9 lbs of weight dropped in a day thing. If that is indeed correct it's nothing but water that you were retaining.

Ya, 44lbs in 4 weeks is probably 90% water OP. Are you on cycle or taking supps?
Throw in some letro and take off all that water and avoid all the high blood pressure problems. You should tart gaining real muscle in the next 2 weeks. Getting off 40 pounds of water will make you lean and mean. THe loss of size is the healthiest thing you can do. It will make it easier when it comes time to cut also.
Dread Pirate Roberts makes a solid point! WannaBeFreak you are lucky you didn't hurt yourself holding that kind of water weight!
I'm on gear of course. Test, Deca, dbol and a50.

Remember I have trained a long time ago, lots of muscle memory.

Not my first cycle.

I doubt I have only gained water. I'm not as bloated as I used to be on my old cycles.
Throw in some letro and take off all that water and avoid all the high blood pressure problems. You should tart gaining real muscle in the next 2 weeks. Getting off 40 pounds of water will make you lean and mean. THe loss of size is the healthiest thing you can do. It will make it easier when it comes time to cut also.

I have low bp still, I did a check today. I don't need to cut, I have vains and definition all over my body. Remember, I'm really tall.

Anyway, back to my question: my diet, how to improve it?
Since you know everything and have gained 44lbs in 4 weeks and doubt most of it is water. What more can we say except good luck with the cycle!

without massive HGH dosages the human body is not capable of adding much more than 1 pound of LBM per week on a heavy cycle. Tren alters this a bit higher but even then never over 2lbs per week of LBM. So at best you have +8 lbs of LBM, what is the rest if not water? maybe some fat but even that can't touch the numbers you are tossing out there. And think about it you lost 9 lbs in a day..What do you think that was? muscle?
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Since you know everything and have gained 44lbs in 4 weeks and doubt most of it is water. What more can we say except good luck with the cycle!

without massive HGH dosages the human body is not capable of adding much more than 1 pound of LBM per week on a heavy cycle. Tren alters this a bit higher but even then never over 2lbs per week of LBM. So at best you have +8 lbs of LBM, what is the rest if not water? maybe some fat but even that can't touch the numbers you are tossing out there. And think about it you lost 9 lbs in a day..What do you think that was? muscle?

Does this apply for muscle memory?
Does this apply for muscle memory?

I'm much like you in that I believe 100% in muscle memory where as many guys don't.

Your body can only manufacture so much LBM per week. And most of that additional LBM comes in the form of volumized muscle cells, just means they are bigger, not new ones created. Creating, nurturing and maturing muscle cells takes much much longer.

As I mentioned high dose HGH and most likely many of the new peps would speed this process of satellite cell creation up considerably. But you aren't on any of those atm.

I want to see you do well and keep every ounce of gains you sweated for! I also want you to be realistic and accept that something else is at play here. And the most likely;y culprit since 9lbs have fallen of in one day is water. Just my humble opinion
Check your scales..44lbs in 4 weeks, Muscle might have a good memory, but not that good.

A more realistic number would be 14lbs.

The 9lbs you lost over night will be no more then water i drop about 6lbs over night on a daily basis.
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Well I have daily pictures, and the size difference is massive. I also don't gain from lying to anyone, and my scales are accurate.

I can safey say my pre-nov diet was consisting of 2 meals per day, so I'm pretty sure adding the amount of food I did must have done something. To get back to my weight, I'm back to where I was at 235lb. Yes I have shitloads of water, but I'm massively stronger and bigger according to my tape measure.

What you need to remember is that I used to squat big, so my legs can grow very large and contribute to big weight gain. I'm also tall with long muscle bellies.

Since no one commented on my diet, I'm assuming it's okay? I was going to consult 3J, but no indication from them that anything is even wrong.

Yes I have shitty sized arms. Though it's 2 inches larger but massively stronger. Eg. 5 weeks ago I was tri ext 4x40lb, now 8x115lb.

I can't even work out how many calories I eat or should eat. I just know I have always struggled to get over 240lb. Thanks
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Ive seen worse diets, but your diet does need some work..a couple of things id be keeping off is fried pork and cheese burgers.. cheese burgers at 12am is going to add fat to you thats 100%, also kfc at 10pm.. the chicken in there is fried and also has breadcrums or batter on it, it will be high in protien, but also high in saturated fats.

I can't add those meals up without portion sizes, but as a rough look you will be over 5000 calories a day and quite alot of this diet will be adding fat.

Get yourself on fitday.com and enter your daily intake and portion sizes into there and that will give you a realistic estimate of what your calorie intake really is.

Also read 3J's free diet advice at the top oif this forum, that helped me alot in understanding how much i need to be eating.
there are alot of improvements that can be made in your diet.. either post it up in the free diet advice thread or email me if you wanna become a client..

we were all too worried about your 44lbs in 4 weeks to look at the diet.. lmao
diet isnt that hard to figure out.PPl that pay to get their diet in check shouldnt be even juicing.You want to own a car but cant even change your battery /brakes/thats sad.

all you have to do is use the SEARCH button.

Theres so much info !!!
diet isnt that hard to figure out.PPl that pay to get their diet in check shouldnt be even juicing.You want to own a car but cant even change your battery /brakes/thats sad.

all you have to do is use the SEARCH button.

Theres so much info !!!

Nah that isnt right. I have been searching for months for SOLID diet info online. Sure there are articles and sites that tell you what you should eat etc but none of these are tailor made to yourself. It is easier to figure out a diet once you already have a plan of what it looks like,if you had to make one personaly from scratch its a lot harder. If it was that easy everyone would be below 10% bodyfat yet I dont think most of the people on this site are at 10%. I would reccomend to pay for a custom diet than spend that money on steroids. Your analogy is stupid,sure people have cars and dont know how to change the battery. Not having a good diet is like having a ferrari with no juice in it,your not gonna go anywhere fast :)
diet isnt that hard to figure out.PPl that pay to get their diet in check shouldnt be even juicing.You want to own a car but cant even change your battery /brakes/thats sad.

all you have to do is use the SEARCH button.

Theres so much info !!!

And Id like to see a pic of your body to see what shape you have gotten yourself into using the wisdom you have gotten about diets.