Lots of resistance when pushing in plunger? doesn't seem normal?


I've been doing TRT for about 5 years now with no issues at all, I rotate between left and right glute but the past few times its been giving me resistance? The needle goes in fine (1.5in 25g) what i've always used.

the testosterone doesn't seem to want to inject? I had to switch glutes, it seemed to go in a little better when I pulled the needle out about .5 inches?

Is this normal? 25G is a bit small for test but ive never had issues before?
I always warm-up my Oil before drawing up, especially in the Winter.
As the House is Colder.

You can put the filled syringe under Hot Water.

Or do what I do.
I fill a Small Glass with enough water, that will come up to around 3/4th's the way up on the Vial.
Then put just the Glass of Water into the Microwave for around 30 seconds.
Then put my Vial into the Water for 45 to 60 Seconds, then Draw-up.

It will be easier to Fill the Syringe and Inject.
Plus, the closer the Oil is to body temp, the easier it is to Disperse into the Muscle.............................. JP
Thanks, so you think its just from it being cold? I was starting to think that maybe the spot where i was injecting something was happening?

I'll try what you have recommended
5 years ... also if you rotating the sides, the tissue will build up scar tissue and you can't inject there again.
Generally stabbing the muscles so intensive isn't a good idea. You could try subcutane or scrotal (is quasi the same) injection.
There are soft tissues and if you are using thinner oily P roducts (testosterone depo from galenika is one) you can use a thin insulin syringe and also with it are no build bubbles under the skin and this also prevent build up of scar tissue there.
Also see, how allergic you react on it (hurting the days after injection is a sign for allergic reaction to the oil base of the product) and this P roducts will push scar building in your tissue.
Curious as to why it suddenly changed after 5 years? 25 is a small needle and has always been EXTREMELY slow for me. I never warm the fluid though. I switched to 22s and 23s......both offer easier drawing and smoother injections. I can't answer why it has suddenly gotten difficult. Is this a new bottle? Perhaps this bottle is thicker for some reason? Either way.......I would switch to the 22 or 23 gauge and try switching back later if you just like the 25. Also, drawing and pinning with different needles works better for me.
Good luck bro. Let us know what ends up working for you so others can learn. Thanks
If you are using glass ampules sometimes microscopic shards of glass will fall into the mixture when the needle sucks them up they can clog the new needle. Same thing can happen if you pierce the rubber membrane, a small chunk of membrane will clog up the needle. I like using the BD filter needles(305201).
If you are using glass ampules sometimes microscopic shards of glass will fall into the mixture when the needle sucks them up they can clog the new needle. Same thing can happen if you pierce the rubber membrane, a small chunk of membrane will clog up the needle. I like using the BD filter needles(305201).

^^^^^agreed. Especially with the rubber. All the more reason to draw with one needle, replace with a fresh one and pin. They're too inexpensive to worry about the waste.

Good point daleb