Low Dose is the way to go

"can cause" not "will cause"

I imagine that use of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while on a steady dose would be prudent if you want to hedge against infertility
thevoice said:
there are plenty of cases where people using test for long peroids 6-12months make a full recvoery when coming off, i even saw an article where they gave test to teenagers to help close there growth plates up(they were very tall) and a 10 year follow up showed no ill health.
you are comparing two very different things.

Neverthenless, can somebody recover after a long cycle? maybe. usually. will they always recover fully? that certainly isn't a guarantee. There are lots of long-term gear users that have ended up on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of their lives.
Surely how much constitutes a high or low dose must be taken into context of how long it is taken.

150mg a week for a 2 week cycle would be fairly pointless right?
But if forever may be a good TRT.
I've been doing 250mg/week sustanon for 6 weeks and I have to concur, low dose is good. I'm almost back up to my all time high weight, making good strength gains and my bf is dropping. Plus no bacne! Definitely not as horny as on higher doses but I know in the long run I'll be very happy to have gone back down to sane doses. Probably going to throw in 300mg/week deca in a few weeks to bulk 10weeks.. i LOVE DECA! Past deca/test was test-e at 750mg/week, deca at 500-600/week.

Of course, quality of gear probably has something to do with what I'm seeing, I guess the 50mL jugs I was once able to get were, not bunk, but perhaps quite underdosed... Not sure since I'm seeing gains and fewer sides.


are you still on this low dose cycle? if so, how long have you been on now? and any changes? you still getting all the benefits you mentioned earlier?
are you still on this low dose cycle? if so, how long have you been on now? and any changes? you still getting all the benefits you mentioned earlier?

still on ....more refinements in quality muscle..i am very happy with this approach and am still seeing slow and gradual improvements with no bad sides.

currently on :

75 mgs test prop eod
100 mgs npp eod
eca (lipodrene) 1 or 2 x ed depending on workout sched

will be adding dermacrine to this to test the product

I'm in a perfect homonal balance at the current time so an honest assesment of this product should be cake.My libido is above average but not out of control and my mood & sense of well being is very level.