Low reps heavy weight or high reps light weight ??


New member
Just started my cycle two weeks ago.
Running dbol, test c, deca and will be adding in some tren a.

My goal is to add size and im not sure the best way to go.
Right now i do both light with high rep and heavy with low rep.
Its just like using compounds, everyone responds differently. That being said, Im a firm believer that the best way to build mass and strength is lifting as heavy as you can without hurting yourself. Just my .02
The most important factor is progressive overload. Increasing the intensity/weight/reps/etc consistently. You can gains mass/strength with all kinds of rep ranges. Some people respond and/or prefer some over the others. I personally mix it up. Try them both and see what you like best. As far as the science goes, in terms of pure hypertrophy, 8-12 is supposed to be the optimal rep range give or take. I have found success at pretty much all rep ranges. They can all work, just find out which one you like best.