M 1 t


New member
I ordered some of this from PSL last fall as I never did it and what I read was very interesting. However for 3 months I ve been very very ill. I needed my money back as my condition has made work not an option so my barber took it off my hands.

Anyone here know about it ? Well he took it for 28 day s at 30 mg and he swolle up with a trtx2 test dose 200 a week...big time and his strength shot up as well...

I m anxious to hear if any one else has done it as if I can get right soon I would like to re order as my friend really put it on

Just curious..
I read about it on many body building forums and everyone seems to love it. Methyl-1-Testosterone is the 17aMethyl version of 1-Testosterone, which is also called Dihydroboldenone. Does not convert to estrogen or DHT. Of course, it is also on the new list of banned items (and I think the older list from a few years back).

From what I have read on various forums, the gains are quick, dry, and hard. Most people find themselves thirsty while on it and almost everyone said it reminds them of boldenone on steroids (haha, see what I did there), which should be no surprise. A clean diet is needed for it, several people have said. I had never heard of it, but it appears to have been around since the 50s (at least they non Methyl version).
yeah cybr you were right, M1T was banned in the first round, with the one everyone knows (superdrol). Anyway, I would definitely order again from PSL. I keep seeing solid threads on their line and I'm not just talking about this forum. I think I am actually going to pull the trigger on some m1t too, you just inspired me... Hope you you feel better soon bud
m1t is god awful for your liver. I dont think its worth it at all, theres a ton of other drugs to choose from...
M1T was one of my go to orals years ago (2004-2007) when it was still "legal" and you could get it from a few supplement companies. Even 5mg a day was a potent dosage. Made me strong as hell but the muscle cramps were bad at times and it killed my appetite and made mildly lethargic much of the time.
I'd say it's the best bang for your buck as far as orals go. The gains are quality, and they come fast. Just gotta be heavy on that liver support!