This M1t hype is getting intense ! I am about to jump onto the bandwagon ! What is the real deal does it cause mad water retintion and make the libido disappear or what ? And Lethargy ? My buddy swears that he felt great on it and that he was insanely intense in the bedroom but i just dont know. I experienced a complete sexual lul on 1Ad and 4 Ad I would have rather slept than had any kinda of sexual thoughts ! Would there be another pro hormone out there that would give good gains without all the lethargy, water retintion, and loss of libido? How about personal experience on the M5AA ( I believe) or masterdroll ? What are its sides ? Thanks ! Oh yeah and just to add in I basically got no results from Gaspari Methyl- D stacked with 4 Ad and later 1 Ad so I am begining to feel that pro hormones blow so maybe someone can give me advice to see some results !