made primo...


New member
and it turned out great. 200mg/ml with ba/bb at 2/20%. holds fine. now i went to shoot it and it was smooth. shot it in the delt friday. saturday i had a pretty good knot going. now ive had worse reactions, but this one is consistently hard and sore to the touch, a little warm also. i keep thinkin its gonna go down but it still feels the same. i did another shot monday with a little test enanthate in the glute and its fine now. im so tempted to try and stick a pin back into my delt to see if anything comes out!

maybe i should have made it at 100mg/ml? anyone else make it?

btw, my tren E is still waiting to be cut.....
the ass cheeks is for trial shots not delts. 200 long ester shouldnt be hurting. it may get better with each shot. normally does. may have been another variable causing the discomfort. i get knots in delts more than anywhere else. just do both sides so you dont look deformed. =0)
DougoeFre5h said:
Hmm. Well cheers on the primo, whats ur cycle look like?

cycle looks like this- 1-10- 500primo/wk, 250test enth/wk. just kinda cruising and seeing how the primo works out.

the delt shot is finally starting to go down. glute was painless. well see how the quad shot goes i just did it this morning.