Making my first homebrew!!


Geek bodybuilder
first off i would like to thank the chem guys(grafix,doug,pb,rjh..etc) here w/c have been truly helpful. ive been a member of alot of boards, around 12 i think, and so far i really like the guys here. you take the time to help us newbs for our kitchen experiments, so that we don't blow up the house, and you don't bitch around like others. A f**king good job fellas !!! :)

Im gonna be doing this for the first time.

here are my supplies:
2 beakers (50 ml and 100ml)
250 ml BA USP
500 ml BB USP
500 ml PEG400 USP
20g test prop
16g npp
10g winstrol
10 20ga needles
alot of syringes
12 20ml sterile vials
6 syringe filters(.45 and .2)
500 ml canola oil

formula:(any opinions here??)
Test prop: 2% BA, 20%BB
Npp: 3% BA, 15-20%BB
Winstol: 1% BA, 25% peg400 and distilled water

im gonna make 40 ml of test prop first then npp tommorrow, ill let you guys know how things go.

btw, i was able to get the chems from a local chem supplier w/c charge me for $8(im cheap). And the powders came from the tooth fairy w/c took my wisdom tooth, hurt like a bitch but i think its worth it, so no i don't know any sources.

-- kojie

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Damn looks like you've done your homework and you're ready to get crackin! Good job, I like the formulas you have posted as well. The prop and npp will be easy as cake to do. The water based Winstrol (winny) is easy too, but takes some getting used to. I suggest doing a 1g batch first to get the hang of it.

Keep us updated kojie!
Test prop- 100mg/ml hold with 3%Ba and 7%Bb
NPP- 200mg/ml 3%Ba 20%Bb
I assume your drinking the Winstrol (winny)? Go with straight water. Should hold at 75mg/ml....sometimes needs to go down to 50mg/ml. Don't add Ba either.....for whatever reason everytime I have it seems to hold worse with it.

Made 3 20mL test. prop last night. Damn it was so easy!!!

I made 1 20 ml first to see how hard it was and i finished it in 30 mins. I was a little (maybe over) careful at first, but hey im a newb at this and wanted to make sure.
So after that i made the last 2 20mLs at the same time by making an unfiltered 30 ml solution (4g testprop, .8 BA, 8 BB, 17.2 oil). Then filtered 15 ml to 2 vials, after each 15ml of soln. i would filter plain 5ml oil into the vials to make it 20 mL each. I just opened one of my vial and placed 20mL of water, so i can use this to measure if my final product reached 20mL by placing 2 vials side by side.

oh btw, when used the syringe for getting the BA and the BB i would place a little extra in then just push the small amount out before adding it to the powder, anyway i placed it sideways while pushing it out and used a plastic cup to catch the extra. When i was cleaning everything up i noticed that the cup melted a little??!!

Douge: yep im planning on doing a gram or two first. im not rushing things. oh btw the millex filters were awesome, i like it! I tried to remain at the same pressure when i saw that it started dripping, coz i didn't want to put too much pressure. A liitle more forearm workout but it worked well.

Deadlift: nope the Winstrol (winny) will be for IM. Have you already tried that npp formula, 2% BA, 20%BB for 200mg/ml ?? won't that sting ?

ill be posting pictures later on
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DougoeFre5h said:
Awesome job bro!

thanks douge..

btw, I am able to get water for injection for around $1 per 150mL(3x50ml vials). I had asked around it is basicaly triple distilled water and its sterile. I do you think that would work for the Winstrol (winny) conversion ??
kojie said:
thanks douge..

btw, I am able to get water for injection for around $1 per 150mL(3x50ml vials). I had asked around it is basicaly triple distilled water and its sterile. I do you think that would work for the Winstrol (winny) conversion ??

add 1% ba to water and filter. wfi ready to go and cheaper to boot if you got ba already. use distilled water from the grocery store.
pb: ok chief got it..

ok as promise here is a pic of what i did. now just for shits and giggle, i had some printable stickers so i printed some info and sticked it to the vials. And NO! i won't be selling these, so please no pms, and besides I live in the philippines. I just had some spare time on hand after work :)

ill keep on adding pics as i finish the other hormones.
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tnx pb
pullinbig said:
luv dem labels. aint you sumpin?

I made some npp w/ 3% ba and 20%bb. After all the powders and solvents i heated it up in pan to easily dissolve it. Some residues won't dissolve must be powder quality or something?? But it was very little. I would heat the soln. (w/oil) every now and then so that filtering would be easier. But testprop seems to be much more easier to filter. I made 80mLs last night and npp seems to be much more clear than testprop.

Here is another pic.
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pullinbig said:
like dem short esters do ya?

i was gonna try out deca but most like the gains from npp thats why i went w/ the shorter ester and i wouldn't mind E3d injections.
kojie said:
i was gonna try out deca but most like the gains from npp thats why i went w/ the shorter ester and i wouldn't mind E3d injections.

npp is ed or eod. deca is 1 or 2xw. long ester gear is supperior in my experience. much higher concentrations, less injects and a higher build up of hormone in the long run. and BTW etsers do not cause water retention. hormones do.