Making super high gear, then return to a standard usable dose.


New member
I'm wanting to make a few different steroid (test e and prop, tren ace, deca and NPP) powders into a strong as possible oil solutions (not mixed). Ideally I would like to get 800 - 1000 mg/ml or higher if possible, into a clear solution (sounds impossible to me, but anyway). If achieved, I'd store it for a week to confirm it doesn't do anything strange like turn green or crash. BTW I wouldn't be injecting it at this insane strength. Oh, I guess a bit BA would be essentially to keep it kind of bacteria free.

Now for the solvents I've researched:
Octyl salicylate, Benzyl Salicylate, guaiacol and EO.
But I've heard some of them smell very bad.
EO I don't think will hold at 1000mg/ml.
The others I've had no experience with.
Would using a very high percentage of EO and a very small percentage of guaiacol work?

Now, if the above is possible, and to bring it down to a standard injectable dos, is it then just a simply process of adding the relevant amount of GSO and EO to bring it down to a standard injectable dose,

I think the below could be achievable with a 60/40 maybe even a 70/30 GSO/EO.

With the long esters I was thinking of a final painless product of about 250-400mg/ml.

With the shorter esters I was thinking of a final painless product of 100-150mg/ml.
Most importantly is that it'd painless.

What do you think? Is there a way of achieving this?

I have to ask.... Why are you doing this? It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Why not just brew it as usual?
I like the idea if higher MG/Ml gear but people don't pay enough attention to the solvents and their health risks. EO will eat a rubber stopper on a vial, but we inject it into live tissue?
Yeah I kind of agree. The normal doses that hold well at all temps and are painless are fine for me. I understand the interest in experimenting and pushing it but it really is trying to fix something that doesnt need fixing man.
I'd like to see your face OP after pinning even 1ml of 800mg/mL gear. A higher concentration hurts like a sonofabitch and I would be very surprised if it would even hold without an ass-ton of solvent.

More oil for heavy cycles is easy to adapt to; pushing fire through a needle is not. :wiggle:

My .02c
I don't the OP was intending to inject the high concentration stuff... sounds like he wants to brew the high concentration for ease of shipping or transport and dilute it later.
I don't the OP was intending to inject the high concentration stuff... sounds like he wants to brew the high concentration for ease of shipping or transport and dilute it later.

That would require reading on my part. I think you're right mprtz. I still don't think it could stay in solution without a ton of solvent though.
I don't the OP was intending to inject the high concentration stuff... sounds like he wants to brew the high concentration for ease of shipping or transport and dilute it later.

I was under the same impression... Seems like a good idea, but I would probably try going something like 400mg/ml in a huge ass 100ml vial or whatever keeping it warm, then dilute it down to 200mg/ml or whatever. But is it really worth it?

I don't know much at all about brewing, but would it even be possible to make 800mg/ml at all? I assumed the absolute upper limit was around 400mg for enanthate esters and anything above that is crash city. I know there is a fair bit of EQ and I've seen Deca like this as well dosed at 400mg/ml but they are more fat soluble esters so it doesn't surprise me.
I don't the OP was intending to inject the high concentration stuff... sounds like he wants to brew the high concentration for ease of shipping or transport and dilute it later.

mprtz, exactly what I'm wanting to do. I'm just not sure how to do it.
I know what is needed, I just don't know the percentages.

400mg/ml is easily done with just EO, no need for the Guaiacol, but I want it as high as it can go, so I thought I'd settle for 800mg/ml

Let's call the brewing of the super 800mg/ml, step 1 and the diluting stage step 2, just to keep things clear.

I've read of some people having a bad reaction to Guaiacol, but that could very well be from the EO or just a bad batch of powder, surly they are not using it at 800mg/ml as the high Guaiacol would cripple them.
I've read of many people making 800mg/test e with Guaiacol, so it is most definitely possible.
the key to it is the Guaiacol and EO.
This is what I got so far (basically nothing haha)
Test e powder
EO % ? I'm guessing around 80-90%
Guaiacol % no idea
BB not needed
BA 2%

I'm concerned about the Guaiacol % because that is the stuff that will cause pain once diluted.

Any idea guys?
mprtz, exactly what I'm wanting to do. I'm just not sure how to do it.
I know what is needed, I just don't know the percentages.

400mg/ml is easily done with just EO, no need for the Guaiacol, but I want it as high as it can go, so I thought I'd settle for 800mg/ml

Let's call the brewing of the super 800mg/ml, step 1 and the diluting stage step 2, just to keep things clear.

I've read of some people having a bad reaction to Guaiacol, but that could very well be from the EO or just a bad batch of powder, surly they are not using it at 800mg/ml as the high Guaiacol would cripple them.
I've read of many people making 800mg/test e with Guaiacol, so it is most definitely possible.
the key to it is the Guaiacol and EO.
This is what I got so far (basically nothing haha)
Test e powder
EO % ? I'm guessing around 80-90%
Guaiacol % no idea
BB not needed
BA 2%

I'm concerned about the Guaiacol % because that is the stuff that will cause pain once diluted.

Any idea guys?

yeah.. you risk contamination when diluting it (then were do you put blam.. was it you or them etc.. brew the gear ready to go or don't brew it is my opinion personally.
Sorry juiced porkchop , I didn't catch want you me meant by contamination. Do you mean not being filtered? Once the 800mg/ml has been brewed it will later be filtered after it has been watered down with grape seed oil. Is this what you where talking about?
what you will end up with is dead tissue.. but hey you wont have to pin so much in that arm that rotted off

Hey SolomonGrundy, how about reading my original post and then answering, if you've you had experience with guaiacol you my be able to help me out, which would be great! I'm not injecting 800mg/ml.