Making Sustanon......


Olympian Bodybuilder
Has anyone ever tried it ? I mean if you can I would like to be able to raise the phenylprop and prop mg.'s.
It is very easy to make if that is what you want to do...

But the question would be why??

Sust in a premade amp is one thing, but to make it, surely you could choose a couple of better hormones to mix together than the sust mix.

Just my thought.
prop and cyp will do the same thing. I wouldnt even blend them. just draw app amounts out of each from vial and mix in the syringe. much simplier.

also the differnce in half life of prop and PP is almost 0. so why bother using both powders?

sus is way over rated. it dont even make sense less you doin eod shots, or more, which means you need a g/w or more. I like higher doses but most on this board arent there. short ester gear mixed with long ester dont make sense. I just cannot see the benefit of doing it that way. I have done a lot of sus but i was doing 1 amp per day. at that frequency its fine, but i have since figured out that long ester gear gives the same result. if you wanna kick start a cycle then by all means use short ester gear the first 4 weeks or so by then the long ester gear kicks in. or just do like ida and do short ester gear the whole time.
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Its easy to do, just a gotta do a little math. If you really want to make your own blend, make it easy on yourself and get a graduated cylinder. Add the hormones and solvent, then add oil till you get your total volume.

For example:
5g tne
10g prop
15g enan

total volume 60cc would get you a 500mg/ml blend. Just need to decide on solvent ratios.
DougoeFre5h said:
Its easy to do, just a gotta do a little math. If you really want to make your own blend, make it easy on yourself and get a graduated cylinder. Add the hormones and solvent, then add oil till you get your total volume.

For example:
5g tne
10g prop
15g enan

total volume 60cc would get you a 500mg/ml blend. Just need to decide on solvent ratios.

that would feel good. tne, prop and enan at 500mg/ml. :D
would it even be possible to get the tne in solution with the other tests using realistic solvent ratios?
I recommend preloading syringes with the desired ratios of gear. I usually do 3-4 weeks worth.

i used to heat my gear way back when. then I got lazy.

i only preheat now if it is a pesky solution that keeps crashing, but I think I can avoid those from now on.
i put it on the hot plate for a minute or so. gets it warm. may not be necessary with walnut oil. gotta get some on next order. still trying to finish these two gallons i bought 2 yrears ago. i may start geasin the wifey down with it just to use it up.

hmmm.. let me go see whats she is doing.
Heat lamps and hot plates,

I must be a cheap, I still use a fying pan... :)

I read that post by Deadlift, and afew people asked about the walnut oil.. Have you tried it PB? Is it much better, cos I I wanted to have a go at making Super high mg Test E again. At 900mg/ml it was like too thick to inject even warm..

Mini Me said:
Heat lamps and hot plates,

I must be a cheap, I still use a fying pan... :)

I read that post by Deadlift, and afew people asked about the walnut oil.. Have you tried it PB? Is it much better, cos I I wanted to have a go at making Super high mg Test E again. At 900mg/ml it was like too thick to inject even warm..


have not tried it. 900mg/ml is only gonna need like 10% oil. that blows me away.
I agree, a short and long do not pan out. A long ester once a week keeps the levels much more even. With a super mix off long, mid, and short will result in uneven levels accross the board. Even if you increase the frequency.