Making Tren Ace from Revalor-help and advice needed


New member
Hey guys, I want to make tren ace from Revalor Implants. Just trying to get everything ready for my next cycle which is gonna consist of test prop, tren ace, and and winstrol. I have three cartridges of Revalor, which is 30 doses, and this should put some pretty good meat on my cows. Each dose contains 200 mg of trenbolone acetate and 20 mg estradiol, similar to synovex H. I have a few questions"

Can I use the same process as the Synovex conversion?
Can I use Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) as my estrogen solubizer? I heard that the estrogen solubizer is just NaOH.
If I use Sodium Hydroxide as my solubizer, will this destroy the acetate ester? I really don't want to blow a ton of money on a kit when I have supplies sitting right here.

Thanks for the help, and I will post pictures and steps of my experiment when I make this next weekend.
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