Manny Ramirez

Manny Ramirez suspended for HCG!

This is a motherfuckin outrage! 50 day suspension for HCG.

Once again the baseball players are in the news. They love to fuck we these poor guys but never the NFL. Like James Harrison or Joey Porter haven't taken gear.
Let alone the 300+ pound guys on the line.

I wonder if they wanna claim the HCG helped him drive in more runs, lol! Fuckin US amazes me sometimes. And my boy Phelps, making him look bad for smoking weed when he is one of the most elite atheletes in the world. You gotta love are government.
They already said that HCG increases testosterone and can aid in performance this morning on ESPN. For once the reporter that they were speaking to new his shit a little. he said "HCG is not a steroid and doesn't mean that he used steroids, but if you said that to someone in the steroid community they would roll thier eyes and laugh at you." To think that some people will defend him by saying it's not a steroid is funny. BTW I'm not saying I give 2 shits about pro athletes juicing. I've been juicing for 6 years and I'm not makibng millions to be in shape. As long as MLB continues this witchhunt, they with continue to bust people. ALL MAJOR SPORTS HAVE STEROIDS IN THEM. Give it a rest baseball pureist. Who gives a fuck?

Perfect example of baseball fans being stupid. Bonds uses steroids and he's the devil. Josh Hamilton uses crack, powder, drinks whiskey, steals shit from his family, makes a comeback and he's a hero. Fucking double standards.
This is a motherfuckin outrage! 50 day suspension for HCG.

Once again the baseball players are in the news. They love to fuck we these poor guys but never the NFL. Like James Harrison or Joey Porter haven't taken gear.
Let alone the 300+ pound guys on the line.

I wonder if they wanna claim the HCG helped him drive in more runs, lol! Fuckin US amazes me sometimes. And my boy Phelps, making him look bad for smoking weed when he is one of the most elite atheletes in the world. You gotta love are government.

Source: Ramirez's substance a sexual enhancer - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

baseball got heated out because alot of the players started juice after they were famous. the football players have always been on, they didn't just explode one year.
we all know what HCG is that tells me he musta been takin somethin in order to have to take HCG..
Says he was given HCG by the doctor and doctor didn't know it was on the illegal drug list for Baseball!! :rolleyes:
Dude i am from Boston and a huge Manny fan, even though he is in LA. I think 50games is too much..... This is the steroid era, maybe 10games, but not 50. Especially for HCG
This is my thinking without knowing exactly how they test for Steroids (is it elevated hormone levels, certain esters, certain hormones, etc???). Manny may have been on Dr. prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at a low enough dose to keep him within normal ranges, which would keep him from testing positive if the test was simply looking for elevated levels of testosterone. Being given HCG would keep LH and FSH levels high enough for his testes to stay active and it would more than likely keep him fertile. That could be the only "legal" reason I could come up. The other scenario is that he was on a good amount of gear during the off season, knows nothing about HCG and PCT, couldn't recover, had issues with his dick, and got the HCG prescribed to help him recover... I'm going to say option #2 is probably more accurate.
This is my thinking without knowing exactly how they test for Steroids (is it elevated hormone levels, certain esters, certain hormones, etc???). Manny may have been on Dr. prescribed Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) at a low enough dose to keep him within normal ranges, which would keep him from testing positive if the test was simply looking for elevated levels of testosterone. Being given HCG would keep LH and FSH levels high enough for his testes to stay active and it would more than likely keep him fertile. That could be the only "legal" reason I could come up. The other scenario is that he was on a good amount of gear during the off season, knows nothing about HCG and PCT, couldn't recover, had issues with his dick, and got the HCG prescribed to help him recover... I'm going to say option #2 is probably more accurate.

I was trying to think of the reasoning too, the second one was the only I could come up with. Everyone of my friends was like dude it wasnt a steroid anyways he was taking women fertility stuff.

I think he was on cycle in the off season didnt know what to do, spring training came around and he got caught.

On another note even being from Boston I think Ortiz WAS on for the last couple years. Anyone else ever have that hunch?

He all of a sudden learns to hit and has incredible power, clemens and other players get caught, he starts getting injured, comes in this year 20-40lbs lighter and cant hit. I dont know, just my opinion, still love him though.
He deserves every bit of that 8 million dollar loss and 50 game suspension! Anyone in sports and looking to enhance their game , is aware of what is and is not legal. He used his Doc as a scape goat...Period!!
He should be alot more upset if he really didn't know. I would be throwing a fit , if my Doc gave me something in question. His Doc should get slammed in some way also. He knew what he was doing.....come on all aren't buying this shit.......are you???
I'm just glad the Mets didn't pick him up in the off-season. That would have fucked us over hardcore.

Manny just screwed up the Dodgers.

I wonder if they wanna claim the HCG helped him drive in more runs, lol!

When I was working out today they were showing clips of all of Manny's home runs, and every RBI he got. Typical news shit. Showing every hit a player got and blame it on whatever he took.

An old guy on steroids hitting off young guys on steroids. Shows he is still better.
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You should be happy its only gotten to that stage in the states. Over here it is a MAD fucking Hunt for bodybuilders.
Its just getting worse. Millions and millions they get to get rid of us, whilst the rapists and child molestors go free.
He deserves every bit of that 8 million dollar loss and 50 game suspension! Anyone in sports and looking to enhance their game , is aware of what is and is not legal. He used his Doc as a scape goat...Period!!
He should be alot more upset if he really didn't know. I would be throwing a fit , if my Doc gave me something in question. His Doc should get slammed in some way also. He knew what he was doing.....come on all aren't buying this shit.......are you???

100% agree, the only reason he didnt appeal is because he got lucky and only got caught with HCG. As far as he's concerned he got off lucky.
:insane2:Bro's I got love for the Man Ram but he fucked up. he should've cleared before spring training. LMAO thers no way to explain that hcg female hormone shit.