masteron powder conversion


New member
Ok...been a member for a long time...just don't frequent the site as often as I'd like to...but I thought I remember there being a chemical STUDY area or something like that on powder conversions etc...what happened to this??? I've tried searching and searching and can't find anything on a masteron powder conversion....can anyone help me out?
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so is it taboo now to talk about conversions0...since all the gurus of this subject seem to have disapeared as well...
well in the chemical forum....and since no mods have stepped in I'm assuming it's still okay to talk about this used to have threads of making your own stuff from various you get your your kit or necessary supplies....find a recommend step for conversion....and you have X amount of bottles/caps or liquid solutions for your next cycle.....all at a fraction of the cost from an underground lab
im not sure but i think its the same as test prop thats what im gona do when i get mine joshag gave me a bunch of recipies look on my replys