Masterone E. Peoples experiences?


New member
Hey guys, as the title says. What's people experiences with masterone? I am going to be running mast E in my next cycle.

The wife has given me the green light to go back on course since she's pregnant with our 2nd child.

My last cycle with test E 750mg tren E 400mg EW and var 60mg ED. ran the cycle for 12 weeks with solid results.

I got all the classic sides from tren. Also felt really unhealthy on it, cardio was practically non existent.

So my next cycle is as follows

Test E 750mg PW mon/thur pins
NPP 600mg PW EOD pins
And masterone E (thinking about 500-600mg PW pinned alongside the test.
Also using anavar 60mg ED

I am wanting to see what I can achieve without tren. Every cycle I seem to see has tren in there.... I have cycled it 3 times and got great results, but the sides kill me.

So I am going back to the drawing board. Mast is something I have never bothered to run. So looking for insight and what to expect.

I have AI on hand also. No pct as I will be cruising from now on. Recovery was really hard the last time and the goal of 2 kids has been achived.

So, thoughts on mast?

Cheers guys
I'm currently running masteron as part of my 'cruise' TRT .. I've not got blood work done, but from knowing my own body and monitoring water retention and blood pressure daily,, the mast is really served as my AI while also helping me in the gym.

I also used mast on my last blast as part of the cut phase of the blast,, was running test, deca, with an NPP and dbol front load then at 10 weeks added masteron as I went into my cut phase, at the time for the cut I went into a keto diet. the masteron seemed to help me stay plenty anabolic and the only weight I loss was water weight, yet my strength did not go down.

Its a very suddle compound,, its not gonna hit you a few weeks in like NPP will. It's just there in the background doing its job, acting synergistic, freeing up more testosterone, and acting as a slight AI.. slow quality. personally, I'd run it, or proviron with just about any cycle, again, also why I'm running it with my TRT protocol.

note: on your cycle,, adding in masteron, var, and running NPP,, you could really get by with running far less test then 750mg a week (your just gonna aromatize more and get more sides then what warrants the gains.. I'd drop it down a bit and let the other compounds shine)
Thanks for the reply. You reckon dropping the test right down to 250mg would benefit? I could split that .5 ml mon and thurs. and less oil is always bonus if you ask me :)
I think it's better to get gains with less gear. Some gear does need used at a certain dose. Test at 250mgs per week would be good considering your using npp and mast also. Mast is good at 600mgs minimum per week provided your body fat isn't too high. Anything over 300mgs per week of npp in my opinion is a good start...
Thanks for the reply. You reckon dropping the test right down to 250mg would benefit? I could split that .5 ml mon and thurs. and less oil is always bonus if you ask me :)

depends on your goals for this cycle.. Masteron does not aromatize, Var does not aromatize, and NPP aromatizes far less then Test. So with a low dose of test you could really get by with a cut, or a clean bulk* and keep estrogen way down and stay dry, so 250 mg would be just right. But, if your wanting to add some mass and strength and don't mind a little 'wet weight', then up the test dosage a bit, maybe 400-500 (but yeah 750 seems a bit much on this type of cycle).

*diet dependent obviously
My bulking days are done, I mostly lean bulk nowadays. That's why I have added in NPP, it brings out vascularity in me... Now I prefere to get as much definition as possible while maintaining a decent amount of mass, my BF is around 15% at the minute. But already started dieting ready for D day.

Thanks for the help guys. I will run my test at 250, if I feel the need to increase I will mid cycle to 350 - 400 max
SO first off your taking too much gear your body an't process that much gear and it doesn't do any good to have an AI and not use it. An AI should be run with every cycle.
Post a pic...tired of a gram of this and that w-o JUST CAUSE.

..just cuz....

More cc s or mg s or ml s does not replace more quality calories, training dedication, motivation and common f k n sense.

Sorry OP..can t comment further. Mast with ALL that ...u competing ? If so when for what (ish)...or the big guy in line at Subway ?

( That s me b t w the Avi AND the subway line...big shiney a little puddle of MUDD . Ms mud, thank you.)

Post up a pic..hell Matt does...I se does...we can really give an assessment or an honest critgue as pic s are HONESTLY best.
He posted a pic in Matt's thread. Good size from what I can tell. Would not be a bad cycle for him...
May I ask how you were previously dosing your Tren Ace or Enanthate? ED, EOD, or less frequently than that?

Typically you can mitigate some sides by increasing pinning frequency. EOD is generally okay for most.. but some require ED.

I imagine you're a little more experienced in the way of actual AAS use.. but I'm doing 100mg Tren A EOD and getting all the goods, and very little bads. Acne, paranoia, few crazy dreams, and sometimes I sweat quite a bit more at work/while eating/after eating.. lol

Perhaps if you are used to doing 200mg+ EOD... ED protocol would work better for your sides. Since you like the results you get with it, it would be a shame to just give up on it :)
May I ask how you were previously dosing your Tren Ace or Enanthate? ED, EOD, or less frequently than that?

Typically you can mitigate some sides by increasing pinning frequency. EOD is generally okay for most.. but some require ED.

I imagine you're a little more experienced in the way of actual AAS use.. but I'm doing 100mg Tren A EOD and getting all the goods, and very little bads. Acne, paranoia, few crazy dreams, and sometimes I sweat quite a bit more at work/while eating/after eating.. lol

Perhaps if you are used to doing 200mg+ EOD... ED protocol would work better for your sides. Since you like the results you get with it, it would be a shame to just give up on it :)

I was pinning 100mg EOD, was mainly the lack of sleep that got to me. I was having 3-4 hours a night at best, and then I would go to work tired, I somehow forced myself to go to the gym, and I would work really hard to exhaust myself and set myself up for a good sleep.... But again, 4 hours at best no matter what.

I can handle the other sides, like the sweats and aggression, I haven't given up totally on Tren, but I believe I can get more from the less potent AAS. Tren really is a strong compound for me. The results are great, I will most likely jump back on or even replace the NPP with low dose Tren mid cycle.

And as you suggest I may try ED this time and see if my sides are better
Glad u took no offense, I wasn't aware u posted a pic. I apologize for my near personal attack; as the mall cop around here I get swamped w fools telling tall tales. bad. U look tough bro...!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing but great experiences with Masteron, whether it be enanthate or propionate.

I find if you are 12% or under it gives a great granite-like appearance and improved vascularity - but most notably, I just get a great feeling of vitality and well-being.

I'd go as far to say that Masteron would be a staple addition to pretty much any future cycle I run - including TRT (at times).

I definitely say it should be run at 600mg weekly or over. Depending on your budget.

Also great to hear of someone being honest and open about their experiences with Tren - that compound doesn't get the respect it deserves.

Only a select few can get away with running Tren. I certainly will never entertain enanthate after experiencing acetate.

I could think of nothing worse than being trapped in to those sides for weeks on end - at least with Acetate you can jump ship and be relatively back to normal a couple of days later.
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BB s back...that BigBloodyBritish----ard..a smart and large addition around here......

"Isn t he just......" (Happy Go Lucky-love Brit humour, movies etc.)
Glad u took no offense, I wasn't aware u posted a pic. I apologize for my near personal attack; as the mall cop around here I get swamped w fools telling tall tales. bad. U look tough bro...!!!!!!!!!!!!

No worries mate, it's the Internet after all. I don't take offence, and I hear you. There's a lot of tall tales and no backup.
Nothing but great experiences with Masteron, whether it be enanthate or propionate.

I find if you are 12% or under it gives a great granite-like appearance and improved vascularity - but most notably, I just get a great feeling of vitality and well-being.

I'd go as far to say that Masteron would be a staple addition to pretty much any future cycle I run - including TRT (at times).

I definitely say it should be run at 600mg weekly or over. Depending on your budget.

Also great to hear of someone being honest and open about their experiences with Tren - that compound doesn't get the respect it deserves.

Only a select few can get away with running Tren. I certainly will never entertain enanthate after experiencing acetate.

I could think of nothing worse than being trapped in to those sides for weeks on end - at least with Acetate you can jump ship and be relatively back to normal a couple of days later.

Your post has filled me me confidence, i am looking forward to running mast for the first time. I have done my research on it, have ordered the enathate so I can pin along side my test E.

Luckily I researched Tren before hand also, and decided to run ace I case the side were as bad as I had read on various forums. Research sometimes pays off. And your right. After Around a week of discontinuing Tren a I was back to my old self.

I will try again one day, but for now I am happy to try other compounds and see what I can get out of them.
Several type s can t tolerate Tren...AT ALL.

My 1 st attempt 6 yr s ago a behemoth gave me 20 cc tren e 200 ml/cc.

My dumbass took 200...coughed till my sphyincster hurt...then DID IT AGAIN 3 day s..later...200. It was awful. Night sweat s...epic sweats, vivid dreams, paranoia......

Now I m a trt guy.
My cycles are trt x 2 or 3 and add
50/50 tren a / prop..with an oral like m1t 10 mg s a day...2 weeks on 2 weeks off x 3 then my big BLAST is over. They usually only go 6 weeks as I m old and feeble.

Cheers and all that.
Haha, yes I forgot about the vivid dreams. Messed up ones. The type where you wake up and still believe it's real. Had Tren cough once. I had read about it, but there's no preparing for that feeling. I really thought I was in the way out, just lay back on my bed and waited, then around 30 seconds later I was back and feeling good again. Very strange compound Tren. Powerful, but the sides are horrendous if your unlucky enough to get them.
Test / NPP / Masteron .. forget tren, with that stack the only sides are, well being, confidence, strength, and libido. As well as solid steady gains.

like Big Ben said, masteron can be a staple of just about any cycle.. I'm running it with my TRT. Then When I go to blast/bulk I'll stay on it and simply add Deca front loaded with NPP
Test / NPP / Masteron .. forget tren, with that stack the only sides are, well being, confidence, strength, and libido. As well as solid steady gains.

like Big Ben said, masteron can be a staple of just about any cycle.. I'm running it with my TRT. Then When I go to blast/bulk I'll stay on it and simply add Deca front loaded with NPP

I've heard masteron gives to people confidence. Because of DHT. Right?