Masterwong's First Cycle


New member
Alright I have started my first cycle on February 6th. The cycle is going to consist of test cyp at 500 mg/wk for 12 weeks.

My stats:
40 y/o, 5'8 1/2", 233 lbs, 16% body fat

I will be running a 10 day Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) after the last week of the cycle, and beginning post cycle therapy (pct) 4 days later.

post cycle therapy (pct) will consist of the standard clomid 50/50/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20 protocol.

Week 1: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 2: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 3: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 4: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 5: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 6: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 7: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 8: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 9: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 10: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 11: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 12: 500 mg testosterone cypionate
Week 13: 500 iu HCG/day
Week 14: 500 iu HCG/day first 3 days
Week 15: 50 mg clomid/day, 40 mg nolvadex/day
Week 16: 50 mg clomid/day, 40 mg nolvadex/day
Week 17: 50 mg clomid/day, 20 mg nolvadex/day
Week 18: 50 mg clomid/day, 20 mg nolvadex/day

Additional supplementation daily for me is:
Controlled labs Orange Triad MultiVitamin
Some form of PreWorkout
Whey PWO
Casein before sleep

I am trying to not add fat during this cycle so my goal is to maintain approx 4,000 calories a day.

I am open to hear what your ideas might be.
I had my first pin in my right delt on Monday the 6th. I am using 23 gauge needles and honestly I did not feel the pinning one bit. I was very surprised at how easy it was. I injected 1.25 cc of cyp.

The next two days I had some slight bruising feeling, but nothing overly substantial.

I did not train on this day as it was my scheduled day off.

Feb 7 Day 2


Incline Dumbbell Press

60x20 w/u, 80x15 w/u, 100 x12, 110x10, 120x8, 130x 7

Incline Flys
45x12, 55x12, 65x10, 70x8

Hammer plate loaded machine press
90x15, 180x12, 230x10

Body + 25 x15, body+35 x12, body+50 x10, Body x15

FST-7 Cable Crossovers
7 sets 70@10 reps with 15 second rest between each set

My chest felt extremely pumped. Of course I know this isn't due to the test, but rather my Vasotropin. Mentally I was very excited to train, though I was hoping to push the 140lb dumbbells on my incline presses. I was without my training partner for the night and I felt a little tightness and pain in my shoulder joint so I decided to only go to 130. Previous workout I hit 140 @ 7 reps.
Feb 8 Day 3


Machine W/G Pulldowns to front

120x20 w/u, 150x15 w/u, 195x12, 240x12, 270x10, 300x8

T Bar Rows (Old School Style)
3 plates x12, 4 plates x12, 5 plates x10, 6 plates x8

Reverse Grip Bent Over Rows
185x12, 225 x 10, 275 X 8

Reverse Grip Pulldowns
150x12, 180x10, 195x10

Dumbell Rows
130x12, 140x10, 150x9

Hammer Plate Loaded High Rows
3 plates each side 3 set @ 12 reps each Squueze and hold on each rep

Machine pullovers
2 sets for 20 reps on lighter weight to stretch back

Back felt strong as usual. I love to train back. Next back workout I will most likely start with deadlifts.
Today was my second pin. This time I went into my left shoulder and had the same results as my first pinning.

Feb 9 Day 4


Leg extensions Warm up

75x20, 90x15, 105x15, 105x15

V Squats
1 Plate per side x20, 2 plate per side x15, 3 plate per side x15, 4 plate per side x12, 5 plate per side x10

Leg Press
10 plates x15, 16 plates X12, 20 plates x10, 25 plates x7

FST-7 Leg Extensions

7 sets 120x10 with 10 second rest between sets

Tonight I was planning on hitting my hamstrings and calves as well, but had a schedule conflict so I will include them in my shoulder workout tomorrow. To note something also. I normally either do regular or front squats, but was dealing with an issue that flares up once in awhile with my knee or hip flexor and last either 1 to 2 workouts and goes away, so i went with V Squats instead as it places much less stress on the joint and was without training partner since I was training out of a different gym then my normal gym. I would also add in either lunges or hack squats in my legs as well.
You should see awesome results from this cycle. Already have a great base to start....nothing to do now, but get bigger and stronger. Nice.
You should see awesome results from this cycle. Already have a great base to start....nothing to do now, but get bigger and stronger. Nice.

I appreciate the words of encouragement. It's been long overdue. Figured now that I'm 40 I'm ready to go on and get bigger. Next will be competing hopefully this fall.
Feb 10 Day 5

Shoulders, Traps, and Calves

Machine Lateral Raises

50x15 w/u, 70x15 w/u, 90x15 w/u
110x15, 140x12, 170x6

I usually take 3-4 warm up sets for my shoulders because i tend to stay tight there longer.

Standing BB Press to front
135x12, 175x12, 205x8, 225x6

Seated DB Side Lateral
30x12, 40x10, 50x8, drop set 60x6, 40x8, 30x8

Front raises w/ BB
FST-7 50lbs fr 7 sets x 10 reps each

By this point my shoulders were so pumped and on fire.

Rear Delt Machine Flys
90x15, 120x12, 150x10, 165x10


BB Shrugs
135x20, 225x20, 315x15, 405x12, 495x8, 585x5

Rotary calf press

180x12 in x 12 out
220x10 in x 10 out
260x10 out x 9 in

Standing calf raises

Seated Calf Raises
FST-7 2plates x 7 sets x 10 reps. 10 second rest between sets.

I am in the middle of my first week of test, so I doubt that I am really getting anything yet from it at this point, though I was certainly mentally pumped more in my opinion. I just can't wait for this stuff to kick in. At this point I havent felt any changes except a little harder today and zero side effects.
Feb 12 Day 7


Incline BB Press

135x20 w/u 2 sets
185x15, 235 x12, 275x9
Last set Drop set 315x6, 225x10, 135x12

Incline DB Press
90x12, 100x10, 110x8, 120x8

Flat DB Press
80x12, 90x12, 100x12, 110x10

Weighted Dips
BW + 30x12, BW + 45x10, BW + 60X8 then BW only to failure

FST-7 Cable Crossovers
70x7x10 reps 10 second rest periods between


Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extension

60x20 W/U, 70x15 W/U
90x12, 110x12, 120x10, 130x9

Rope Extension Push Downs
80x12 4 sets with 30 second rest

Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine
80x15, 100x12, 110x10, Drop set 110x10, 90x10, 70x10

This is still my first week on my test only cycle, so I have yet to really have anything noticeable. Mentally I am there because I know i will be expecting good things. I can't wait for the stuff to be kicking in, but I am remaining patient.

Tomorrow will start the second week of pinning and I will be moving my site to the glutes from the shoulders.

Current weight is bouncing between 235-240 depending on the day and time I weigh, but I have noticed that in this week I dropped almost 1% bf based on my digital tester and my weight went up. Not ure if I am just holding water or if it is the increase in calories or a combination of both.
brother im subbed to,good to see an "Ole Timer" starting:D you are huge to start with and this cycle will indeed make you alot bigger,welcome to the 40 and over gear club:D:beertoast
brother im subbed to,good to see an "Ole Timer" starting:D you are huge to start with and this cycle will indeed make you alot bigger,welcome to the 40 and over gear club:D:beertoast

Thanks bro. I am just waiting for this test to kick in. I hope to get better about all this gear like you guys. I appreciate the feedback and support.
Wong you're already quite strong and huge brother this is going to be a fun one to watch! Keep updating! Sub'd in!
nice log brother!!
how big are you planning to get this cycle? 5 8 at 250...thats a monster!!

Man I have no idea what to expect my weight to be during this cycle. To be honest if I stayed the same weight but just dropped bf I'd be happy as my main goal is too add as much lean mass as I can. However, I would say I can see 250 as a definite possibility being my first cycle.
Feb 13 Day 8


Wide Grip Front Pulldowns

105 x 20, 135x15, 165x15 w/u sets
195x12, 240x12, 270x10, 300x8

BB Rows Overhand Grip
135x15, 225x12, 275x10, 315x8, 225x12 with holds on contraction

Seated Machine Rows Close grip
195x12, 240x12, 270x10, 300x10

Hammer Machine Pulldowns
220x10, 260x10, 280x10, 300x10
All sets had long pause and hold at bottom and long negative to the top.

135x15, 225x12, 315x12, 405x8, 315x12
I had such a massive pump in my back and particularly my lower back I couldn't go any heavier as it was super tight. Hopefully next back day to go up to 495 for 8 reps, but going to start my workout off on deadlifts to eliminate the end of the workout stiffness in the back.

Straight arm pulldowns
3 sets 120x15
Flushing the entire back with blood and a nice slow stretch.

Okay I have been using my home scale to weigh myself and not the gym. Turns out I was off on my weight as my home scale weighs me lighter then both gym scales. Tonight I weighed at the gym with sweatpants, shoes, and t shirt 252 lbs. I figure I had about 5 lbs of clothes on at the time of weighing.

I am starting to definitely fell some stronger pumps during my workouts and it seems like I am feeling fuller throughout the day. My girlfriend was telling me tonight that my whole body just had this all around more swollen feel and look to it, so I am not sure if that is a consequence to water retention, food increase, or a combination of items.

I was supposed to do my third pin tonight, but I got behind today and so I will be doing it tomorrow. Feeling good and definitely getting excited for my size and strength to go up.

I have set my goal based on what I found my weight to be after using the two calibrated gym scales to now hit 270 by the end of my cycle. Though I would still be satisfied if I didn't even change weight on the scale and dropped 20 lbs in body fat.
Hey we will be doing the same cycle 500mg cyp/week in about 2 wks. How you liking it so far, any advice. I will be following this
Hey we will be doing the same cycle 500mg cyp/week in about 2 wks. How you liking it so far, any advice. I will be following this

Blade, today is my last day of week 2 and I really haven't had much in terms of noticeable changes. I am feeling fuller throughout my day and waking up tighter then before. I am starting to feel my sex drive kick up a little, but from what I read that you don't start getting any changes till at least around three weeks in with this. Then it goes up from there. Advice I would give would be to eat as clean and as much as possible. When the strength gains come push yourself, but listen to your joints and muscles as much as possible to prevent getting injured.