
DanG said:
those are some awesome abs man. what is your ab routine like?

Ab routines won't give you abs it's about how much fat you have over them. Lose the fat from your stomach and you will see your abs.

e.g Dexter Jackson IFBB pro does abs maybe a few times a year and he has some of the best abs in the pro ranks. As I said it's more too do with the layer of fat on your stomach so if you want abs start dieting.
flangmasterj said:
Ab routines won't give you abs it's about how much fat you have over them. Lose the fat from your stomach and you will see your abs.

e.g Dexter Jackson IFBB pro does abs maybe a few times a year and he has some of the best abs in the pro ranks. As I said it's more too do with the layer of fat on your stomach so if you want abs start dieting.

agreed, and don't forget genetics. I could get down to 4% BF but never have abs like that. Mine are all spread apart and ugly! LOL!

Marcus you look great man, what BF% do you compete at?
Great pic...what's your cycle?

Marcus...great look! That's the type of definition I am looking for! What kind of cycle are you doing/have you done to get this way?!

Thanks...and keep it up!

marcus said:
i' m Marcus from Rome Italy, I post a picture mine...and I' m pleased to be on this forum!! :startrek:
first pic is olympia bound :) awesome..

i didnt like you in the competition pic.. but yeh,first one is a smasher
u guys act like there is some secret just do Winstrol (winny) and the pick up any mag with an ab workout you can have it too but yeah to comment on the guys abs yes he does deserve credit nice abs again itys no rocket science do some Winstrol (winny) and watch your diet and buy the friggin mag good luck
flangmasterj said:
Ab routines won't give you abs it's about how much fat you have over them. Lose the fat from your stomach and you will see your abs.

e.g Dexter Jackson IFBB pro does abs maybe a few times a year and he has some of the best abs in the pro ranks. As I said it's more too do with the layer of fat on your stomach so if you want abs start dieting.

So all I have to do is do cardio to a very low amount of bf and I will have abs that look like that if I have his abdominal build underneath? Why do people do situps and ab workouts then?
naam89 said:
u guys act like there is some secret just do Winstrol (winny) and the pick up any mag with an ab workout you can have it too but yeah to comment on the guys abs yes he does deserve credit nice abs again itys no rocket science do some Winstrol (winny) and watch your diet and buy the friggin mag good luck

Possibly the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life.... I am thinking about using this as my signature. Absolutely Classic!!!
naam89 said:
u guys act like there is some secret just do Winstrol (winny) and the pick up any mag with an ab workout you can have it too but yeah to comment on the guys abs yes he does deserve credit nice abs again itys no rocket science do some Winstrol (winny) and watch your diet and buy the friggin mag good luck

You're a tool
naam89, If you take Winstrol (winny), get some PRO-TAN and and look at a muscular development, you can go from this:
<<<----------------picture of naam89

TO This:

Its not rocket science bro, anyone can look like Ronnie. Your just a cycle of Winstrol (winny) and a magazine away......By the way, you should read up a little more before you start giving advise because you obviously dont know what your talking about
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marcus said:
i' m Marcus from Rome Italy, I post a picture mine...and I' m pleased to be on this forum!! :startrek:

as you can see marcus's serratus and oblique's are really stretched out and very muscular, i'm just wondering what kind of exercises one can do to develop this part of one's body...
DanG said:
those are some awesome abs man. what is your ab routine like?

doing abs wont give you abs. you gotta get your bf to 10% if you want to notice them. i keep bf% at 10 trought the year,but when summer hits in, i go down to 6-7%.
you can do abs all day long but if you have fat, you wont see them.