trying to get a flat stomach

1234567890 10 chars.

You didn't get in to poor shape in 3 months. It likely took years of bad habits to get you to the condition.

Luckily you can turn that around in a much much shorter time frame but it won't happen in 3 months...revisit this 9 months from now and you'll likely be ready to continue with the "fine tuning" of your work to bring you closer to the "ideal" username1.

Stay the course...
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You didn't get in to poor shape in 3 months. It likely took years of bad habits to get you to the condition.

Luckily you can turn that around in a much much shorter time frame but it won't happen in 3 months...revisit this 9 months from now and you'll likely be ready to continue with the "fine tuning" of your work to bring you closer to the "ideal" username1.

Stay the course...

Amen... Can I get a hallelujah!? haha
You didn't get in to poor shape in 3 months. It likely took years of bad habits to get you to the condition.

Luckily you can turn that around in a much much shorter time frame but it won't happen in 3 months...revisit this 9 months from now and you'll likely be ready to continue with the "fine tuning" of your work to bring you closer to the "ideal" username1.

Stay the course...

cash is def right.. it takes time buddy... weight loss should be done slowly..

the faster it comes off the faster its liable to come right back on with a vengeance and a bag of chips
yeah, no more than 1 shot of vodka diluted in a gallon of water over a few hours. It seems to be a psychological hold it has on me. I started the protocol recently but, not really "feeling it" yet not sure if I'm one of those that doesn't get that wow feeling or if I'm just not dialed in yet. I'm assuming if that happened then it would probably help me quit it altogether.

UN1 - I am the last guy to be a preacher here. Having said that, you are determined to get healthy, and live a long life for those around you, right? I assume this is a yes, since you have been making positive changes for the last 6 months. If you continue to feel this way, and are truly committed to a healthier (mentally AND physically) lifestyle, get yourself to an AA meeting. In fact, get to 30 of them in the next 30 days. No one there will know (or care) what your name is, and you will have a TON of experiences to learn from. I don't believe it is the only way to quit drinking and get right (mentally AND physically), but I do believe it is better than about anything else, especially if you have mental and physical issues/dependencies that are triggers.

Like I said, I'm not perfect, and I'm no preacher. It is a free, proven resource though. Take advantage if you can.
I've been to AA when I had to go for a DWI and I hated it, I don't like all that higher power stuff and holding hands bla bla that goes on, all they would do is talk about their war stories from back in the day and how they are all just better than that now. Even though I had to go, I still knew and understood that I had to quit, once I realized I'm too far in with alcohol many years ago I knew that I had to quit but, I just couldn't do it. So, it's not like even though I "had" to go to AA that I didn't realize that I should be quitting. I just didn't like the things I was hearing there.

I guess it works for some and is great if it works for you that's the bottom line, didn't for me. I've cut down a lot from a 1/4 liter of vodka a day, and drinking every waking moment, then later to 8-10 beers every evening and now down to where I'm at now, I think eventually I can eliminate it myself once I'm ready.

It all started with insomnia once I got on sleeping meds (lunesta) it helped me to not drink as much and still sleep but, I don't know if it's psychological or what but, I've noticed if I don't have that 1 drink and I just take the sleeping meds and try to sleep that its' really difficult I could be laying in bed until 4-5am and not able to sleep and I've tried everything otc that people recommend for sleeping and nothing has worked except recently I heard of ZMA once I get healther maybe my body will start to react better to those so I will give that a try.

UN1 - I am the last guy to be a preacher here. Having said that, you are determined to get healthy, and live a long life for those around you, right? I assume this is a yes, since you have been making positive changes for the last 6 months. If you continue to feel this way, and are truly committed to a healthier (mentally AND physically) lifestyle, get yourself to an AA meeting. In fact, get to 30 of them in the next 30 days. No one there will know (or care) what your name is, and you will have a TON of experiences to learn from. I don't believe it is the only way to quit drinking and get right (mentally AND physically), but I do believe it is better than about anything else, especially if you have mental and physical issues/dependencies that are triggers.

Like I said, I'm not perfect, and I'm no preacher. It is a free, proven resource though. Take advantage if you can.
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No sweat, man. Like I said, I'm not here to push anyone in to doing anything they don't want to do. I'm not a "reformed alcoholic", btw. I had a similar experience to you and was ordered to go. It wasn't the be-all end-all for me either, but support groups are kind of like doctors. Sometimes you just have to try a few to find one that fits.

On the other hand, I bet as you continue down your path to a healthier lifestyle, things like this will be easier to change. It sounds like you are making kick-ass progress already. It is hard as hell to see the changes happening over time, since you see yourself in the mirror every day. I bet if you looked at a picture of yourself from 6 months ago and compared that to today, you would see a big change!

The great thing about a place like this is that you always have the folks here to help push you on when you feel stalled, whether you really are or not. So, keep on keeping on.
Thanks for that, yes this forum is great! I wouldn't even be on the right track if it wasn't for this place, really glad I found this place. Working out and eating healthy really helps me to take my mind off alcohol, at first when I was trying to cut down / quit and in the past I have tried to quit and I would try to go a few days without drinking of course I couldn't get any sleep those days but, it felt like I was torturing myself or I was "missing out" on having fun without it, it was something I was making myself do.

Now, with working out and eating about every 2 hours, many times because of working during the day I end up working out in the evening and with eating 6 meals it will end up being 10pm at times. Back then, not drinking was much more difficult since I would basically have nothing to do in the evenings, and around 6pm-7pm "witching hour" would start and I would get cravings but, since I'm busy with working out or having to eat meals around those times, I don't notice myself missing it all. Working out helps tremendously with the cravings I would have, the adrenaline and that feeling I get from working out is much better to me than the feeling of getting drunk now. I actually sometimes think back to it all and just can't believe what I was doing and makes me real hopeful to where I'm trying to go. I just want this to be a real and permanent lifestyle change, not something forced.
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i wish i could run that many miles, i'm having problems with my knees though but, still i never really understood how people could run that many miles i think this is probably my first time in my life i've ran this much or this long 3 miles and I'm really tired during and after. It takes me about 20 min. to do a mile, it's the same since I was in high school lol I never understand how people can run them so quickly like in 10 min. or something. Maybe my protocol will help me get there, perhaps there has been something chemically wrong with me, and even back then in high school I was never fat if anything I was always skinny I only started gaining weight once I started turning into an alcoholic.

I used to be like you and could never run even a mile with being gassed. Then one day it clickedand I could breathe!

1. Go to a running store where they watch you run on a treadmill and get new shoes. Unless something major is wrong with your knees. This will solve it. I know you don't believe me but I'm speaking from experience. You may need insoles too. Get them, don't skimp here!

2. Concentrate on your breathing. Believe it or not slow deep breaths are better. Maybe even two inhales, one exhale or two inhales, two exhales. Mix it up and find what works for you. I concentrate so much on my breathing when I run it's like meditation. This is easier on a treadmill when you start.

Like I said, I was like you and could never run, never understood people that could. I did the above and stuck with it. Ended up running and finishing a marathon about 5 years ago.
I used to be like you and could never run even a mile with being gassed. Then one day it clickedand I could breathe!

1. Go to a running store where they watch you run on a treadmill and get new shoes. Unless something major is wrong with your knees. This will solve it. I know you don't believe me but I'm speaking from experience. You may need insoles too. Get them, don't skimp here!

2. Concentrate on your breathing. Believe it or not slow deep breaths are better. Maybe even two inhales, one exhale or two inhales, two exhales. Mix it up and find what works for you. I concentrate so much on my breathing when I run it's like meditation. This is easier on a treadmill when you start.

Like I said, I was like you and could never run, never understood people that could. I did the above and stuck with it. Ended up running and finishing a marathon about 5 years ago.

Thanks for the tips, actually last week I went and got insoles since my feet were getting really really sore by the end of the evening/week. It took a few days of adjusting but, after that I really noticed the difference, last week I ran more than I have in any week and at the end of the evenings/week and even after work my feet weren't sore at all and I would even forget about it in the evenings, like I hadn't ran at all, or else before this I was trying to rest my feet every evening and my feet were really feeling it.

I thought I needed a foot massager or something but, the insoles did it. Maybe since I just got them, my knees will start to feel better as well since i've been running for about 4 months without them maybe it's going to take a little bit for my knees to adjust to it like my feet did.

I have some addidas running shoes I got them just for running recently, but since I got the insoles I've been wearing them everywhere until I get another pair for my every-day shoes. I didn't know there were stores with treadmills where they watch you run, I hope we have some of those here I'm sure that would help greatly if they can recommend shoes based on that. I went to Foot Locker and I was trying to get suggestions for them and they would only make recommendations based on what brand I liked and that wasn't the purpose of me going there and then they were trying to sell me on a particular style/color of shoes since the ones I liked were out of stock. I ended up finding the adidas in the store myself and decided to go with these, they are light much better to run in and than my other shoes.

Also about the insoles, which do you use? I've since great reviews about a particular brand called, "superfeet". I had ended up going to a local store and picking up some gel ones they didn't have superfeet, I didn't know they sold them locally I thought I had to order them and I didn't want to wait for them to be shipped so I just went to the store immediately the next day and picked up what I could find where the gel ones, not sure how long these are going to last. I'm considering to go and get the superfeet and compare them.
No idea what brand I wear. I can't stress going to a running store enough. Fleet Feet is a national chain that does this, see if there is one near you. Throw your opinion of brand names out the window. The best brands are brands you've probably never heard of but go with what works for you Running shows are designed to help you with the way your feet land when you run. It's a while new world of over pronating and under pronating. Try a bunch of different ones. Run woth them on the treadmill in the store and outside the store this is completely normal in these types of stores. They may or may not suggest insoles. I've found that prices are usually around $100 for shoes at these stores but worth every penny. Hell they usually let you return them within 30 days if they aren't working for you.

When people tell me they can't run because of shin splints, sore knees, or sore hips I tell them the same I told you. Their first response is usually, "I have brand new shoes.". I tell them they bought the wrong ones. When they follow my advice they are amazed.
And by the way, once you get shoes use them only for running. My running shoes are are actually uncorfortable as hell to stand or walk in after any length of time.
I don't see a store named flatfeet come up, too many results on google just about "about" flatfeet, do you have their website address? anyway I doubt it's here or else it should have showed up on google maps. i'll just check around if there any similar stores.

it looks like i'm still continuing to lose weight, today i checked and i'm at 153 lbs. lol i wonder how difficult it's going to be to put on weight in muscle. i thought after having to eat as much (tomorrow it will have been a month of 5-6 high protein and clean meals a day, probably need to give it more time) i have been and my protein intake that i'll start gaining weight in muscle. i'm assuming that's probably difficult to do and will take lot longer.

so i was shocked at my weight today I thought the scale was messed up at first lol i had to check 3 or 4 times before i believed it.

i wonder how much weight i'm going to keep losing, if i don't have much muscular strength now then it could be a lot? i could go down to 130 or something? from doing too much cardio am i going to mess up my results for gaining muscle strength. the thing is that i'm really determined to get my stomach flat, so i'm trying to run as much as possible and do as much cardio as possible to get it there. once it's flat then if i had to slow down on cardio to not effect the other areas gaining muscle then i would be willing to do it. or actually i remember somebody saying here that gaining muscle does help with fat loss, so i'm not sure.
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It's Fleetfeet :) You might find one called Runner's Market, too. The people in those stores usually ARE runners, and if they are unsure about something, they will definitely know "the guy" in town that is the best running trainer/therapist. Hope that helps!

Gaining muscle can help with fat loss, and believe it or not,tons of cardio can slow your fat loss down.
lol my bad ok i checked for fleet feet and runners market there aren't any of those in Dallas. I see the following that specialize in running shoes - Luke's Locker, Run On and The Runner. I suppose I can call one of those and see if they have treadmills there and ask what kind of process they go through to recommend runners shoes.
well I went to Run On since it was the closest to me, they didn't have a treadmill in there but, they asked me to walk and jog in the store and she was observing my feet, she suggested 3 pairs, asics, new balance and brooks something. They all kinda felt the same to me but, I went with the New Balance, I dont' really like how they look but, that's not the point of these shoes, mine are comfortable, I'm going to keep my other pair for everyday use and use these only for running.

I asked her about insoles and she said she recommends to just try the shoe first without it and if I need them I can come back. While they do feel as comfortable as my other shoes with the insole for some reason I think I'll need them but, we'll see going to run in them next few days and see what happens. I also got these socks called, "Feetures" she said not to use cotton socks but, i forgot the reasons, so she recommended these.
She started you down the right path. NB makes great running shoes. At least you know you went somewhere where they weren't just trying to sell you what's "hot" right now.
I have recently bought a new pair of running shoes also, a week and a half ago, mine are Asics, they are lime green and purple. ( i didn't buy for the appearance but for the fit and comfortability... I run between 3-16 miles currently... and these haven't given me any problems while running or after my runs are complete.