trying to get a flat stomach

As a guy who destroyed his knees running in the Corps (well that and humping a pack), running had always been an issue for me. I tried several stores and several "specialists" who all told me different things about what my feet and knees needed in a shoe.

Long story short...

Nothing helped. It wasn't till I switched to minimalist running shoes (first vibrams but now EVO II's from Terra Plana and Trail Gloves from Merrel) that I can finally run again pain free.

Now while it does take a period of adjustment (especially if you're a heel striker), its worth it if you train smart. I prefer using them and allowing my feet to work how they were essentially intended to rather than finding a weakness (normally caused by wearing cushioned shoes our whole lives) and then shoring up the weak points with inserts and orthotics instead of actually addressing the issue.

Just my $0.002, your mileage may vary.
well last week when I got the shoes after running that day and during I felt soreness so I went back to the store the next day and got superfeet insoles, after that the soreness reduced even more and I've increased running to 4 miles each day so last week I ran almost 20 which was more than I have enough week prior. I didn't wear the shoes over the weekend but, when I ran just now I really didn't feel anything during or after.

I guess it just takes some time to adjust, last week, after and during I felt some soreness but, it wasn't much but, by evening I would forget that I even ran earlier but, today really even during I hardly felt anything. After I felt a little tingling if I thought about it but, literally it's only been a few minutes and I feel nothing. I didn't post last week saying that I was still getting sore since I thought after doing all this that maybe my form is just retarded or I'm just thinking about it too much but, today it was really nothing, had a really comfortable run no pressure on my feet, I just felt it in my calve's and legs.

I was really kind of having my doubts that it would get that much better, since I really like my other shoes and I really like those gel insoles I had it helped quite a bit from where I had started, and after I first got into the new shoes last week and was feeling it a bit, especially without insoles I wasn't sure if I was better off with my old shoes but, wow today is really great. I hope it's not like this just because I took the weekend off and my feet had a chance to relax but, I doubt I ever felt this pain-free in the past.

Oh also, those "lace-locks" are so awesome, I don't have to worry about tying my shoe laces now, my laces would always come done on my old shoes when I ran and have to keep stopping and tying them and I didn't want to do double knots since I have to untie them to take them off. They had them next to the register they caught my eye so I bought a couple, highly recommend these if you have issues with your laces untying during a run.
That's great to hear, User! It does take a few days to a week to get used to insoles, at least if they have any real correction built in. My wife used to work for Foot Levelers where they made custom orthotics for chiropractors, and when she got me a pair it felt like I was walking on golf balls at first! They are really comfortable now though, and are great for your feet all the way up through your spine.

How tall are you?

You say you currently weight 153 pounds?

For what it is worth, I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and a 3J nutrition plan. My primary goal is gaining LBM.

With the combination of HRT, weight training and nutrition, my muscular development is coming along much faster than my six pack abs, which is fine with me.
It sounds like your are putting all your efforts into getting abs. No offense, but you're probably going to look a little silly when you have a six pack set of abs and weigh 130 pounds, no?

In reading this thread, seems like you are doing a shit ton of cardio, which is great if you are going for the endurance athlete look.

My piont is, I have been able to stay motivated by the speed at which my muscle mass has grown as well as my strength in the gym. I know if I was solely focused on losing belly fat I would already be discouraged.

Are you trying to look like an endurance athlete? Or do you plan on building muscle at some point?

I do 3-4 hours of cardio per week. If I have to change my workout around due to my schedule, cardio gets dumped first long before I skip a weight training session.

Muscle burns calories 24/7.
I'm 5'8"

Yeah I've dropped down to 153, I guess it fluctuates a couple pounds or so the day before I checked it was 155 and then yesterday 154.

I am working on muscle growth also, I'm doing p90x which works on chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs, triceps. I'm trying to eat a high protein diet to help with muscle growth. I have a small gym here also but, I'm not doing that anymore since I started p90x. It's pretty difficult but, I like it. It's a 90 day program going to see how that works out.

to be honest I don't know what kind of look I'm going for, I guess a lean look would be preferred rather than too bulky but, I'm just kind of doing everything it seems like and just going to see what happens lol

i mean i defineatly don't want all my weight to drop and become 130 pounds i was hoping when i was at 160 that i wasn't going to come down further and that my 6 meals a day high protein diet and p90x for muscle development would start keeping my weight up. The thing is that one day I checked my weight and it was 160 and then a few days later it was 163 so i thought in my mind that my weight had started going but, I don't know if it's my scale or just fluctuation so i thought i had started gaining weight then i check the next week and all of a sudden it's 153 lol

i mean i guess once my stomach is flat, even if i don't see abs i could start slowing it down, i just don't like the round part. i guess i'm working on it so much since it would feel like an accomplishment from where i started and i guess it's easier to work on than muscles. honestly i don't even know how i'm going to do in the muscle growth area, i struggle with my bench at 100 pounds it's probably going to take a lot of time and/or work for me to get there i might not even be able to do it on my own i might have to get a personal trainer.

this is very minor but, i'm starting to see something in my arms I was going to update my log and mention this but, behind my biceps i guess it's my tricep area, there's something starting to form i see like a dimple forming lol i dont know what that is from but, when i hold my arms down to my side i see it more on my left arm and then make a fist and rotate my wrist i can see this part taking shape. it's very minor progress lol but, i've never seen this before so i guess it's something. this is my 4th week of p90x i still have a while to go and when i'm done i'm just going to repeat it again (hopfully if that's ok, not sure if there will be issues with my body getting used to the exercises or plateauing).

there's nobody muscular in my immediate family or extended family, so think it's going to be extra tough for me because of genetics but, i don't know maybe it will work out some other people i mentioned this to gave me some encouragement

also i probably need to renew my plan with 3j soon, i just now when i started my protocol started following his plan correctly at first it was difficult for me and took some adjusting but, now that my weight has changed and keeps dropping, i might need a new meal plan


How tall are you?

You say you currently weight 153 pounds?

For what it is worth, I am on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and a 3J nutrition plan. My primary goal is gaining LBM.

With the combination of HRT, weight training and nutrition, my muscular development is coming along much faster than my six pack abs, which is fine with me.
It sounds like your are putting all your efforts into getting abs. No offense, but you're probably going to look a little silly when you have a six pack set of abs and weigh 130 pounds, no?

In reading this thread, seems like you are doing a shit ton of cardio, which is great if you are going for the endurance athlete look.

My piont is, I have been able to stay motivated by the speed at which my muscle mass has grown as well as my strength in the gym. I know if I was solely focused on losing belly fat I would already be discouraged.

Are you trying to look like an endurance athlete? Or do you plan on building muscle at some point?

I do 3-4 hours of cardio per week. If I have to change my workout around due to my schedule, cardio gets dumped first long before I skip a weight training session.

Muscle burns calories 24/7.
Sounds like you are doing great! I did a 3J lean bulk and I definitely leaned AND bulked. The only thing is eating that many meals and balancing life can be challenging sometimes.

If you want to try something new you can try intermittent fasting (like Warrior Diet or the diet at leangains). A lot of people will tell you it's a really bad idea, but I think everyone's body is different.

I can tell you for sure it flattened my stomach like nothing else. I dropped some weight in the beginning (fat, i suspect) but have leveled out now and my strength and endurance are still increasing.
My .02 would be to try and pin down your goals as specifically as you can first and go from there. That should help you get better results faster.

Also, I wouldn't lose any sleep over getting "too" bulky, it ain't that easy....Lol

Best of luck.
My .02 would be to try and pin down your goals as specifically as you can first and go from there. That should help you get better results faster.

Also, I wouldn't lose any sleep over getting "too" bulky, it ain't that easy....Lol

Best of luck.

That's for sure! I nearly killed myself eating on my last lean/bulk.
I'm not reading all that, but learn to breathe right when you do crunches etc helps a lot. You'd be surprised some people just dont know how to breathe when they do exercises
it looks like it is my scale that's messed up since I was at my GP's office today and I got weighed and it came out to 164.5 thank goodness i was surprised with as much as i'm trying to eat how did i drop to 153, damn scale lol