Meathead96 Recomp w/ Tren Ace Log

Today I had some physical training practice to do for my job and I almost died lol. My cardio blows on this tren. My heart was beating out of my chest and it took 10-15 minutes for it to slow down. Cant be good. My BP is ok though. I did chest and calves today. Hit a PR on bench. Don't make fun of me, I know its not much lol. Bench has always been my weak point, but it felt great to hit 300lbs today. Came up easy. I'm on my way to hitting 315 soon, hopefully within the next month.

*Bench Press Worked up to 1RM
*DB press 90's-100's 3x6-8 reps
*Incline DB flys 3x8-12
*Cable Crossover 3x12
*Seated Calf raise 4x6-8
*Standing Calf raise 4x6-8
Did back and rear delts today. Took it kindof light because I jacked up my shoulder somehow yesterday. I didn't feel it during the workout but it was fucked afterwords and has been bothering me since. I'm starting to get a little bit of agitation but not too bad. I have not had too much of night sweats. I have been hot at night and running the AC and fan on full blast even though its not too hot outside. I'm really surprised I haven't had too hard of time with sides yet (knock on wood lol). I did have the dreaded tren couch like a week ago. I was pinning my lat and all of the sudden I tasted the oil in my mouth and I knew it was coming. Had the cough of death for about 10 minutes. At least I was prepared for it lol. My piss has been yellow a lot so I'm trying to push more water to help out my kidneys. Heres what I did today...

Chins 4x8-12
Hammer Strength Row 4x10-12
Cable Row 4x10-12
Lat Pulldown 4x10-12
Band Pull Aparts 4xfail
Hanging Leg Raises 4xfail
I shouldn't have spoke so fast the last time. I've started having some night sweats now. They haven't been too bad though. I keep the AC and fan blasting all night but still have been waking up sweating. My sleep as been just fine, not issues there. I do take trazadone and melatonin and the GH peps help. Did arms yesterday. I did supersets of bi's and tri's for low weight high reps. Pumps were good. Tonight I did lower body. Sweated my fucking ass off in the gym. Cardio is pretty bad right now. 4g of taurine helped with the back pumps. Also been getting a lot of indigestion lately so taking a lot of tums for that. Heres what I did...

*Deadlifts (worked up to 1RM) Pulled 515lbs tonight
*Squats (5 sets of 8reps) Just went up to 315 today
*Hyperextensions 4x15
*Supersetted planks and seated calf raises
The tren is definitely starting to kick in more. Night sweats have come on hard and I'm having some fucked up ass dreams. I had a dream today that I stabbed two people lol I never have dreams like that. It kindof freaked me out. I'm pissed off that my shoulders all jacked up. My strength had really gone up but now I'm having to back down a lot and do light weight with high reps. I did chest and shoulders monday. I did a couple presses with neutral grip and all light weight high rep stuff. Yesterday I did back and went high with reps as well. Tomorrow I will be supersetting arms. I was expecting to have more drastic results by now but I don't notice any major differences. My diet has been the same (not 100 percent clean). I'm taking in about 4500 calories a day. In a few days I will be dropping down to about 3500 and see what happens.
How's it going big boy? Hanging in there?

Yah man, how's it going? Your a straight beast and an inspiration to all. That Tren sounds gnarly.

Is 25mcg the standard dose of T3 that you run, when you run it? Reason I ask is I see a lot of people who seem to run it at 100mcg, 50mcg...then there's a few who say there's no need at all to go above 25mcg. I'm tending to agree with the latter as I feel with something like T3, less is always best. Just wanted to get your 2Cents on that.
How's it going big boy? Hanging in there?

Its going ok bro, work has picked up so I've been pretty busy there and getting my workouts in 4 days a week. I am thinking of increasing the dosing to 500mg per week soon since I seem to be doing OK with sides so far. My shoulder injury has kept me from training as hard as I normally do though so that sucks.

Yah man, how's it going? Your a straight beast and an inspiration to all. That Tren sounds gnarly.

Is 25mcg the standard dose of T3 that you run, when you run it? Reason I ask is I see a lot of people who seem to run it at 100mcg, 50mcg...then there's a few who say there's no need at all to go above 25mcg. I'm tending to agree with the latter as I feel with something like T3, less is always best. Just wanted to get your 2Cents on that.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. I have only ran t3 one time and I only went up to 25mcg. I'm an advocate of lower doses to achieve your goals if it is not necessary to go higher. I may be increasing the t3 soon to 50mcg but thats the highest I will go. I don't think its necessary to go higher than that. I would be eating trees and small animals on 100mcg a day lol.
Shit I just realized this log had been bumped. I ended up ending the cycle a little early due to my shoulder injury. Results were good, no real weight gains but a solid change in my body and definete increase in strength. Its been a few months now since that last blast and I'm getting ready to start another low dose tren blast again. I probably will only be using 280mg per week on this one with 210mg test.