Med and lab supplies doesn't sell pins to the public to get??

Megatron, after all the things i've learned from you i owe you more than one. You need anything pm me.

And thanks guys. Now I have 5 sources for pins. lol.
Oder by the box of 100 count and they will cost $10.00 at Wall-Mart.
My Walmart won't sell anything but slin pins anymore, and even then it's 20 questions. Funny thing is, I have scripts for both insulin and testosterone there. I just bought a shit-ton of pins from rui last time they had them in stock.
It s like buying pencil s here I ll take 25 Number 25 gauge x 1 inch please...13 cents each.

The big pharm s like Wal mart cvs etc the law states-" The pharmacist can refuse..for any reason....if no script for same is not in hand."