Metal detox/problems associated with metals in fish...TUNA


The Pitbull is within...
Everyone here consumes canned tuna to an extent including myself. Probably moreso now that winter is coming about.

Has anyone here done a metal detox? If not I would suggest it. Heavy metals can build up in your system over a period of time and cause harm. I am not sure what kind of harm exactly, but certain heavy metals found in tuna for instance "supposedly" can cause paranoia and decreased mental function. Is it lead?? I think that is the metal, maybe I am wrong.

Just not sure if any of you have looked into it, but think you should.
Mercury is a problem with the fish, especially fish towards the top of the food chain like tuna, swordfish, and shark. Lower life forms like shellfish, shrimp, snails, etc contain much lower amounts of the toxic metals because of bioaccumulation.

The same goes for land animals, but there aren't too many people out there eating top predators, so I wouldn't worry about that too much :D

Mercury gets into the ocean by pollution as well as normal earth activity such as volcanoes (nothing you can do about that). Lead is also a problem, as is cadmium, and aluminum. Aluminum can be found in anti-perspirants, you can get it in your food by using aluminum cookware, and some things contain a lot of it due to processing methods, such as baking POWDER (not soda) and soy products.

These toxic metal are neurotoxins and can cause just about ANY problem because screwing with the nervous system controls everything.

I've never looked specifically into metal detox, but I believe the sea veggie chlorella can aid in mercury detox. I've heard ALA can do that as well, but I just HEARD that, do don't quote me on that. I believe even whey protein powder can help with this, but again, I never looked specifically at a metal detox.

The first step of a metal detox would be eliminating sources of these metals. Drinking filtered water, not using aluminum cookware, not using commercial baking powder, not using anti-perspirants, not eating a ton of tuna, swordfish, shark, or other top predatory animals, and of course, just generally limiting exposure to other toxic things in the environment.
MERCURY that was the word I was looking for. (I had just worked out)
There is a particular supp that is great. Lemme look it up.