Mexican Sust???

All of those labsIMO are either underdosed underfilled or fake.
Ive heard better things of QV than the others.
Tried the Denkall,Tornel and Brovel.....trash.IMOLot of fake TTokkyos....especially their sostenon blend,

The Mex.Human grade Sostenon by Organon is great.

TTokyo is not a good buy, there are alot of fakes. Denkal and QV are the better products, but I would go with the Organon redijects.IMO
In Mex. these are the Sus. blends available:

1. Loeffler Testo 4 L/A
2. Tornel SuperTest 250
3. Organon Pre-filled syringes
4. Ttokkyo Testonon 250
Buffdawg, is the Loeffler sus any good? How much of a cheaper buy is it than those redijects?
I only have 9 of them and I need to go to Mex and pick up some more sus but I'm low on cash
Of the picks there I would go with Loeffler, they make pretty good stuff. The price is good too, in Mex. you would probably pay $35-$40 for a bottle, not 100% sure though?
Footballstar74 said:
Do u think that stuff is badly underdosed?

Bro, just about everything in Mex. may be a little underdosed and underfilled that is just the way it is over there. I would go with the Loeffler or the Tornel. The redi-jects are expensive and there are way too many Ttokkyo fakes out there.
yes it's POLISH SUSTANON but the TEST-BLEND are different from (REGULAR SUSTANON which is more ANABOLIC) Omandren 250 is higher androgenic than ANABOLIC and liver toxicity is HIGH!!! like HALOTESTIN and get ready to break out with some serious ACNE especially on your BACK you will need antibotics with this.

PS: GOOD GEAR but is more for strength and muscle gains are low like HALOTESTIN