Day 36 - 10/26/09
Happy T-Day guys! EAT UP!
took 10th shot today. So I'm half way through.
I weighed 177 yesterday morning so Im up around 10 pounds, since starting the cycle.
I only have another 10 days left to the VAR and TBOL so I bumbed up my dosage to 60mg on the VAR.
Honestly I dont feel like this cycle is that much stronger than my VAR only cycle I ran a few months ago. The main difference I notice between that cycle and this one is the way I look ( strength gains are very similar so far)
Although Im only up 10 pounds, it feels like more, and I am getting a lot of comments on the weight gain ex..
friends: "are you on roids?" / "yo can I w/o with you?" / "dude you look like you sat on an air hose"
and my favorite... mom " you need to stop working out jeeezus! you're getting too big" I lol'd.
My strength really isnt up as much as I'd expect at this point though.
heres some lifts pre-cycle
DB Press 80x5
Barbell Row good form 155x8
DB Curl 40 x8 each hand
here's lifts now

DB Press 90x5
Barbell Row 185x6
DB Curl 50x6 each hand
I dont squat or deadlift heavy, but the weight is moving easier on both of those exercizes also.
to be honest half way in, I kind of expected a little more from this cycle, especially running the orals too, but we'll see what happens over the next 35 days.