Milpore/Zap Caps


Senior Member
Hey are any of you guys having any problems with these?

My buddy ordered 1000ml milpore bottle tops(complete) .22 and two whatman zap caps. I'm have no idea why he got the milpores, they are plastic and crack everytime. The Zaps are ok but 500ml .22 gets about 150-200 thru then is sloooooow

I filled up a milpore, nice warm hippy oil, and literally got one drop thru it. Lol. WTF. I've used these before and they suck but I still get a couple hundred thru. There was no air going thru. I kept pumping and it wasn't holding and I tried a hundred different ways, not sure what's going on.

Now I have a good amount sitting and 1 milpore and 1 zap left. This should do 1500, but I feel like I'll be like to get 6 thru both. My buddy always has issues with these as well but Nagalene were out of stock.

I don't know I guess I'm looking for ideas because theres roughly $80-$90 in filters when 1 should have taken care of all of it.

I seriously would rather go to a .45 whatman SF, but I want everything thru a .22.
Thats odd User, Millipore is all I use and actually prefer them over nalgene. When you say cracking, are you talking about the bottom receiver? If so ditch that and get a glass media bottle but i'm pretty sure you know that already.

I had a hard time with a couple hiolding pressure so I used teflon tape and wrapped it around the nipple, then slid that piece over it that hooks up to the pump.

I can do 500ml in close to an hour so it's odd it's barely working for you. When it does build vaccuum, what are you building it up too? I stay at around 17 if that helps.

Other than that User, I'm not too sure and am really surprised to here this, i've never used the zap caps so I can't comment.
Ok the whatman zap caps actually worked great. It was late and I was sick of waiting. Lol.

But the milpore would not hold any pressure at all. Chris it was the plastic complete filter, not sure why my buddy ordered those, but all my glass media bottles were attached to other filters so I figured I would just try that. I had the same problem the first time with those, I got pressure up to 12 and the media bottle cracked, but also started leaking from the blue ring where the filter is, like running down the sides.

I don't know why I have issues with these each time, actually only 2nd time I've tried them over the years and after the first I went to nagelene and never have a problem.

I put the zap caps at like 22 then went to bed and those worked very well.

Anyway I was just frustrated with the milpores but even when I get good pressure they always seem to give me problems. 400ml will take a couple hours. I even removed the nipple and put a tighter fitting in it.

Aroma therapy is a pain once in a while but I got it worked out.
Lol yes it can be very frusterating. I always had nothing but trouble using a plastic receiver and actually lost a decent size batch of prop due to it leaking out slowly over night and not noticing it until the morning. Glad you got it all figured out though, if you ever need anything like an extra media bottle or filter you know ill help you out.
Yeah I had to go with lower pressure on the plastic ones. With a glass receiver I can crank up the pressure.

Chris I'm a moron. Lol. I forgot about adding tape to the nipple. The millipore was still wet so I dumped about 50ml in it today just to see if it would work and it started working just fine. Still a small leake around the actuall filter but nothing bad. I made another batch just to use it. Got about 500 thru it pretty fast. Just a little over an hour.

Actually it pisses me off. I spent long time last night trying different fittings and trying to modify them. Today I put two pieces of tape and it works great. Lol.

Rookie mistake, only I've been doing this for a while. Oh well. I guess I'm just use to another brand but found out I really lime the zap caps. So no big deal. Thanks for your help.
LOL, it happens. I've always been curious about those Zap Caps, I think it's neat you can use 33mm and 45mm bottle on them if I remember correctly. I may try one out just to see on a next order.

I've had my fair share of wasting filters, blowing them out, wasting gear etc. It happens but ya it sucks. Funny thing is I havent even been doing it that long.
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Pictures for hte noobs would be nice guys so they can see what we are talking about with the tape and the sight leak.
Yeah Chris you could use either size, it basically just sits on your receiver bottle instead of screwing on and a tube runs down the center and into the top of your bottle. I put a small paper weight on the top of the lid to just hold it down and give a little weight to hold in place but not sure if needed because it holds it's pressure with the cap off.