Miss Having Pancakes, I have the solution!!


New member
So a freind of mine at work noticed that I have eating allot different the last few months and informed him of my new diet and work out routien.

Thats when he asked me if I liked pancakes, and I told him I used to but now I cant have them anymore; thats when he proceded to tell me about this recipe I have never hear of!!

1 cup oats
1 cup cottage cheese
6 egg whites

mix well like normal pancakes and cook the pancake a little longer on low heat to allow pancake to rise, and enjoy

No I know what your thinking that sounds horriable, thats what I thought!! But I will tell you what I was completly amazed, I dont miss regular pancakes anymore. So give it try and tell me what you think
Ya it does sound horrible, but you need to at least try it, becaue I was completly shocked. I like them better then real pancakes, and what else could be better first thing in the morning then Oats, eggs whites, cottage cheese!!
Ok, has anyone else tried this, or is Hydroman pulling our legs? I do miss pancakes, and there is a decent sugar free syrup......but this just doesn't seem like it would work.
fail......here is a good pancake mix what u will need
120g sweet potatoe/yam COOKED
5 whites,1 whole
1/2 banana
125g blueberries or mixed berries
50g whey

put the sweet potatoe or yam into the blender along with the egg whites,egg and whey spin that shit up. cook just like a pancake . remove place berries/banana on one side fold over . Oral orgasm well good for a meal that has fuck all cals in it :)
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