MMA training

One good thing that was pointed out above was the fact of how different training to bodybuild and training for MMA is.

Bodybuilders use gear to add size, improve appearance etc. Whereas most MMA fighters who are intelligently using steroids are using them to aid recovery.

Extra strength is nice but the strength aspects are very different in the two. MMA is all about functional strength and endurance not so much, how much can you bench or squat.

I agree! seems like your money would be better spent on HGH.
Test c and eq will not have any time to start working with a 6 week cycle... I think there are some holes in your logic..

Do you actually do this?

I could see anavar or testp ran 6 weeks or suspension but suggesting eq or test c...?

Hello Brotha,
Yes I've done this often as well as some very well known fighters ( not all mma) that do this. I can see how you'd think that's odd, however as a fighter you just need the recovery aspects and the EQ kinda helps out the cardio in relationship to countering the Tren. Test ( for an am fighter) will help in recovery also. The reason for 6 week cycles is that most fighters train 6 to 8 weeks before a fight to avoid overtraing or peaking to soon. Hope that makes things a bit clearer about my logic there. To be honest about it Halo is really a great compound for a fighter, just alittle concerned about stressing a fighters liver more than you have to.
What he said.. Im a high level MA instructor and I could take all the shit in the world and it wont do a thing unless doing the right thing.

Peace my brotha

I also am envolved in the game as both a trainer and also a fighter on high level status. And I agree that skill does not come by the compound or the cc. My trainer ( who fought Ray Robinson the REAL sugar man, Henry Armstrong, Ray Barnes, Benny Parret who is totally old school and opposed to juice'n calls it cheat'n) has a say'n that he been tell'n young fighters for years way back when I was still fighting in the am ranks that makes way to much sense. I think you'll enjoy and agree with this............
Part time train'n equals Full time losing. nuff said.:wink2:
1-it is retarded to shut ur natural levels down with esters that dont get stable levels until week 4ish and only run them for 6 weeks, fuck if u just want some help with recovery there are plenty of supplements to help with that regard, but if u insist on taking gear stick with test prop and maybe some Anavar (var) or if u have the money some HGH

2-it is FUCKIN retarded to be on the gear and not lift, dont say its hard or u dont have the time, i have a friend that is pro MMA, he works, is a full time student in an elite university, trains 2-4 hours 5-6 days a week, and lifts 1 hour a day 5 days a week, and ISNT on the gear. I dont wanna even get into all that i do, dont wanna be pompeous. THE POINT IS U FUCKIN MAKE TIME IF U WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH MUSCLE GAINS(strength, endurance, size, whatever it may be), BEFORE U GO STICKIN URSELF WITH CHEMICALS!!!!!
1-it is retarded to shut ur natural levels down with esters that dont get stable levels until week 4ish and only run them for 6 weeks, fuck if u just want some help with recovery there are plenty of supplements to help with that regard, but if u insist on taking gear stick with test prop and maybe some Anavar (var) or if u have the money some HGH

You beat me to it... I agree with this
A)Nobody really has time or energy to lift, u make time and energy to lift
B)that stack sounds good if u dont need ur dick to ever work again.

+1 iv been training and competing in MMA for the past 5 years. I lift 4 days a week,spar and shit 3-4 days a week and also work 9-10 hours a day 5 days a week. Gotta just do it!