MR. T's kits

i am positive that the kit DOES NOT come with the Finaplix pellets, you need to purchase those seperately from another supplier. Just do a search on the web. It may not come with the marble either, but that is a minor need. Good Luck!
My process is slightly different then that one. My kit includes everything needed (**Pellets Not Included**) to complete the experiment. Instructions are included.
Mr. T's service is top notch.

Personally, I would add a funnell and a coffee filter.

If you follow Mr. T's instructions to the letter, there is no heating involved, but his solvent seems to be good enough to hold everything together without baking. I made a batch with Mr. T's 4G kit back in February, and I only varied from his instructions in that I filtered the slurry through a coffee filter before running it through the Whatman filter. Without heat, my tren came out crystal clear, and in three months it has shown no signs of crashing or going cloudy.
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Mr. dB said:
If you follow Mr. T's instructions to the letter, there is no heating involved, but his solvent seems to be good enough to hold everything together without baking. I made a batch with Mr. T's 4G kit back in February, and I only varied from his instructions in that I filtered the slurry through a coffee filter before running it through the Whatman filter. Without heat, my tren came out crystal clear, and in three months it has shown no signs of crashing or going cloudy.

I noticed that this afternoon... No heating? How does this affect the final product?

Does heat have anything to do with the quality of the tren?
heat sterization has been discussed on here several times. do a little reading and you question will be answered. BA does not sterilize solutions.. it is a preservative with some moderate anti bacterial properties.
pullinbig said:
heat sterization has been discussed on here several times. do a little reading and you question will be answered. BA does not sterilize solutions.. it is a preservative with some moderate anti bacterial properties.

How much sterilization do you really get from the low temperature baking recommended in most tren conversion recipes?
do some reading. i started you in the right direction. there is a lot of data on here discussing this issue.
pullinbig said:
do some reading. i started you in the right direction. there is a lot of data on here discussing this issue.

Well, that was a non-answer! There are hundreds of tren conversion threads on this board, all with contradicting viewpoints regarding methodology. "Do some reading" is a copout answer. What specific information do you have about the technical results of baking tren, to cause you to form the opinion you have stated?
Mr. dB said:
Well, that was a non-answer! There are hundreds of tren conversion threads on this board, all with contradicting viewpoints regarding methodology. "Do some reading" is a copout answer. What specific information do you have about the technical results of baking tren, to cause you to form the opinion you have stated?

this one isnt bad

its not hard to find just scroll down:rolleyes:
thats one of many. I posted a lengthy article on the ba and the reccomendations of the pharm business on proper sterization process for oily solutions as well as aqueous solutions.
Mr. dB said:
Well, that was a non-answer! There are hundreds of tren conversion threads on this board, all with contradicting viewpoints regarding methodology. "Do some reading" is a copout answer. What specific information do you have about the technical results of baking tren, to cause you to form the opinion you have stated?

who said it was in a tren conversion thread? you gonna take my word for something that is as dangerous as injecting foriegn substances into your body? you can die from not practicing proper gmp for sterizartion. oh and btw mine is not opinion it is fact. you have opinion because you havent done the research. i worked for a large pharma business for several years so its possible i may know a thing or two.

i just did a search and it took me about 20 seconds to find the posts i made about this topic. keyword "sterlization" user name "pullinbig". you need to get on the web and do some real resarch as well. read these reports i have posted or have shorten to make for an easy read.
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pullinbig said:
oh and btw mine is not opinion it is fact. you have opinion because you havent done the research. i worked for a large pharma business for several years so its possible i may know a thing or two.

Sorry, you should have attached your CV, then I would have known... :D

I don't even claim to know enough to have an opinion. I'm the first to admit that I'm ignorant. I come here to learn, not to strike up an argument. "Do some reading" is not a helpful reply. Every thread on conversions contains contradictory information, it's difficult to separate the facts from the BS.

Perhaps your issues should be with Mr. T, who is recommending a heat-free conversion process.
me and mr t have discussed this a few times and he agrees with me for the most part. if you read some of the threads with mr t and myself chatting you will see for your self the discussions we have had on this subject. i dont have issues with anybody over this topic, you do.

the reason i ask folks to read is (and you admitted it, ignorant or lack of knowledgs) so that if you find the info you are more prone to remember it. plus in you studies you will find other stuf that will help as well.

I am not arguing just trying to help. there is a wealth of info on the internet just waiting to be read.

asking someone to do some reading is in fact the most helpful i can be because you see the facts clearly and not someones interpretation of the facts.

good luck young fella.