MrDbol's pics



Hey fellows here are a few pics all taken cold i got a long way to go my bodyfat is killing me but as you all know its hard to gain weight and stay lean at the same time. my goal is to gain 30 more pounds i currently weigh 220 6'1 Bf probably 18%. :)
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unable to insert back pic at this time. its fuckin stupid it telling me the image is too large all the other images were about the same size and i had no problem attaching them.
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Thanks guys, started my first cycle yesterday, its not really a real cycle, just doin dbols started with 10 mg's i will run 20 for 6 weeks. I know everyone is against dbol cycles and all i am doin it cause i wanna see what sides i get from it and how my body reacts to gear. I am not as strong in some aspects as some of you guys and i wanna break into it smoothly if you know what i mean. I take care of my health overall and i am not all out do everything to just gain a few extra pounds something like a high bp can bother the hell out of me so thats why i am going this route. All your inputs and comments are welcomed thanks for your support.
guess what i had some a grilled chicken sandwich from mcdonalds and i feel a little heavy in my head, damn mcdonalds doesnt have a single thing healthy that grilled chicked must be loaded with sodium i could taste it damn i hate mcdonalds never again. I had no choice today had a court date and i was hungry. Fuck mcdonalds. Fuck i just looked up the nutritional info that small peice of shit sandwich had 1280 mgs of sodium. Oh i hate you mcdonalds. your new sandwiches suck just as bad as the old ones. Here is the funny thing when they first started with their all healthy campaign a couple of moths ago i gave them a try and the new grilled sandwich was good and different now its gone back to the fucking same old crap. what do they take us for.
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you have a lot of potential, looking forward to seeing your gains.
I know plenty of guys that have had success with dbol only cycle. I think its a great starter since you can control your dose on a daily basis.
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sounds good dude, i think it's a good idea too
just remember to do you're cardio and you should gain lotsa muscle.
mcdonalds does blow......but it tastes SOOO GOOD
up 3 pounds this morning on fourth day of 10 mg dbol i am happy with the result so far. i am eating like a friggin horse havent thrown in the tuna yet i'll be bumping it to 20 mg next week. Freind of mine is on the same tabs and he is up 8 pounds in just over 2 weeks tabs are good for sure. I think i am going to turn this thread into my diary.
I would encourage you to stay away from Dbol only cycles. Also dn't foget to get your blodd work done before and after and pay particular attention to the liver function.