mrx ireland needs help wit diet

mrx ireland

New member
i need help wit diet .im 27 yr old 5 ft 11 an weigh 11stone an 6lb .i want to get to 13 stone of muscle .i need sum1 2 write me out a food plan for the week ,i dont want all this carryon wit 40grames protien an 60 grames carbs etc just fuks my head wen i c all that ,i would like a food plan like u need to b eatin eggs, steak,tuna,salmon etc etc an wen i should b eatin it .any supplements also .im takin creatine ,an cyclone 4rm maxi muscle,the drink an also the choc bars ,dont really like drinkin the drink its 2 heavey on the stomach.i wish i could get it in tablet form , i was thinkin of takin roids but goin to try an do it the natural way .:worried::worried::worried::newbie:
ok. good choice to stay natural better wait til you got everything else dialed in.

you dont have to count calories you could just measure out how much you.


breakfast 1 cup oats 5 eggs.

lunch 0,5 cup 2 chicken breast or can of tuna.

it is possible to keep it simple try eating 3-4 meal and measure it for a while and youd be surprised how fast you learn to guesstimate 100 gr of rice or whatever you choose to eat.

I eat 3 meals + maybe a bowl of cereal post workout. works for me. if i want to lose weight i decrease portion size and if i want to gain i increase it.
Macros arn't that hard to understand.
Get yourself on for a helping hand just punch in your custom foods and the rest is easy.

Agreed you should keep natty for now if you dont understand nutrion your gonna waste your time and money with juice.
i would eat 2weatabix wit milk in morning then a tuna sambo 4 lunch then 4 dinner id eat poatoes 1 large chicken fillet wit carrots green peas brocially. an tin of herrings few hours after diner,,day2,,weatabix milk then ham sambo 4 lunch then4 diner steak wedges an veggies then at ngt herrings r salmon sandwhich ,drink bout 2 liters a water day.take creatine everyday an cyclone 4rm maximuscle on train days after training wat u think of dat .also eat sum choclate an crisps an other shite , eat sum fruit 4 a couple days also
my first thought is that that is not alot of food for someone trying to gain weight.
breakfast and lunch seems kinda weak.

what do you eat after training?
not much id take a cyclone shake an a banana,any ideas on wat i should b eatin .sum1 told me 2 eat an english fri for brefast every morning .but dont think dat is good 4 the heart
oats is good,eggs,bread,fruit,meat.

something i love is to scramble eggs with some tuna. a real proteinbomb! and then usually some barbecue seasoning. that + about 1-2 cups of oats and you got a real solid breakfast.
any ideas on wat i should b eatin
pretty much a combo of carbs,fat and protein you have to eat stuff you like to and not force it to much.

do you know what good carb sources are and protein and fat or are you a complete newbie?
complete newbie ,havent a clue .im lookin sum1 2 write me out a food plan 4 the week an ill take it 4rm there ,i hate it wen people tell me tis much carbs ,protien etc it just fuks my head .any ideas
all right here is sample plan.

breakfast: 1 cup oats, 5 eggs,1 banana/apple

lunch: 1 cup brown rice, 1-2 cans of tuna, vegetables.

Pwo: bowl of cereal +skim milk,banana

dinner: 0,5 cup rice, 2 chicken breasts,veggies.

drizzle some olive oil on your meals for good fats. a bit of nuts/seeds for breakfast.

try that.. if you gain weight great. if dont increase food intake gradually ...
nice1 ill try dat is readybrec ok 4 the oats r oatabix.wat bout day 2 an 3 etc cheers 4 the advice man ,i hate being the small guy ,gona work out like fuk
no problem .wat bout dr udos oil .a guy at the gym told me 2 get it it has all the omega oils in it .r they good 4 building muscle
udos is great. you´ll probably end up losing some weight on it because you will clean out your colon like crazy. its kinda pricey though. and taste like old ass. but good stuff.

r they good 4 building muscle
yes you need fat to build and repair tissue.

good fat sources include olive oil,fat fish(salmon,mackrell) nuts.

when it comes to the vegetabilic oils i firmly belive that extra virgin olive oil is the way to. alot of cheaper oil like sunseed have ussually been heated so they lose alot of their good properties and becomes just calories.
no prob ecke .can u sit down 4 ten mins an write me out a plan 4 the week .no1 seems 2 want 2 do it man .wats the craic r u on any gear
sure but you have to understand that its just a sample and everyone is different so it might not work for you.

i did post a sample meal plan for you.

breakfast: 1 cup oats, 5 eggs,1 banana/apple

lunch: 1 cup brown rice, 1-2 cans of tuna, vegetables.

Pwo: bowl of cereal +skim milk,banana

dinner: 0,5 cup rice, 2 chicken breasts,veggies.

and you can vary the carb and protein sources as you like.

good carb sources include: bread,oats,pasta,potatoes,yams,rice,fruit,beans

protein:meat,fish,eggs,milk,cottage cheese and also if you have a good proteinpowder.

fat: try to stick with the basics. olive oil,nuts and udos if you have it. avoid butter and margarine.

then you can just switch the carb and protein sources as you like.

no im not on gear. but i remember how it is to be a newbie :P

yams is sort of like potatoes i guess i dont actually eat them myself so im not to sure..
wat about cod liver oil capsuals an flaxseed oil capsuals .will i take them .how many grames a day should i take .is it ok to take them with creatine mono