

New member
So normally this time of year i see a bunch of mt2 threads etc.I hardly see any right now. Are people still using it? I do. I love it but it seems like its losing popularity (unless im mistaken). Whats the deal guys?
I'm a first timer and as a whiteboy I can say this shit is the bomb,
my rat is taking 500mcg 2x week and is darker than ever. Sun burns are non-existant anymore!
can you tell me, please just send an pm which is reliable seller now? was always very happy with labpe but not provide so ...
I love the stuff, used it a bunch of times. using it now in my research actually. 0.5mg 2X a week is all you need. shit even 0.25mg 2X a week if its good quality and depending on your skin type.

I rec RUI for MT2 since i use them for that and other stuff without issue.
I would use 0.25mg cuz I don't wanna turn black lol. But does this act the same as melatonin and make you sleepy???
Im looking into it for Nerve repair actually with the darkening as a side effect. At this time 100mcg a night before bed. Will report as I find it out.
Love the stuff! I usually get a sunburn at the beginning of the summer and gradually darken. Started MT2 this year at .5mg twice a week, then maintenance at .5 mg every 2 weeks. I looked black after my trip to Hawaii this year, and NO sunburns. I plan on using the stuff for years to come.
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