muscle belly

So you're saying that I could get a six pack without doing all them ab workouts and just having a really well set diet??

yes, everyone has a six pack, or atleast so definition under all that fat they may be carrying. you could do crunches all day long but if you have 20% BF, you ain't gonna see shit. i do believe it is true that by doing abdominal exercises the abdominal wall gets thicker, like any other muscle. thus it grows against the bands across your stomache, that's what makes the "six pack". but crunches and any exercise the involves a crunch type motion or contraction of the abdominal wall shortens your hip flexor, which is connected from your femur to your 5th lumbar i believe? anyhow, planks, and of course doing squats where there is a huge axial load and of course deadlifts will strengthen your whole core, not just the abdominals, or front. shortening the hip flexors not only isn't good for you but will make you lean forward somewhat, sticking your ass out and protruding your belly. look this up and with a minimal amount of research you can find some great exercises to help with this. maybe see an athletic trainer.... not a personal trainer. and yes, of course cardio is great for burning fat but you gotta lose fat in the kitchen as well, hence "six packs are made in the kitchen". good luck, hope you fix it, i sorta have the same problem but not bad. completely cut out crunches and leg rasies 2 weeks ago and started doing vacuums when i can, has helped already.
I'm not on anything now. I did a cycle of an oral prohormone about a month ago to see if it would help. I read that it targets audiposity (I got a little bit) so I thought i'd try it.
"dznutzx" u might be right man, I try and space about 4-5 meals a day, but i got this mentallity that the more I eat and more often, the better chance i have of maintaining a positive nitrogen balance. Its true, damn man most of my meals, I eat till I cant eat another bite. weired thing though, im not getting fat, thats probably why i got used to eating that way. I guess adjustments are in order. anyways, i just ordered some "winnie" to try and shred up. i hope i can get that "flat look" that would suck if I'm all shredded Mcripped and have this freakin muscle belly.

winstrol won't just cut you up. people use during cutting cycles because of its low androgenic effects. doesn't really aromitize. very dry though and will be tough on your joints. you can easily take test while cutting. once again cutting is all about diet and training routine, as is bulking. me personally, i don't think i will ever touch any synthetic steroid. just stick with test.
Genetics bro, Before I ever used AAS and from as early as I remember even before lifting, when I relax my abs my top abs noticeably protrude. My brother calls it the power belly, I even get veins in it so its not fat. I can flatten them out if I watch my posture. Look at the UFC fighter chris Leben, he gets it even when in the single digit fat range. Off season when he has been heavier I have seen it more pronounced

I think it migh deal with the ribs too, I have a big rib cage.

genetics definetly do have something to do with it, but like anything i believe can be fixed, or helped. i have the same deal as you, upper abs stick out a little more. one good way to help it would be make your chest much bigger proportionally to your abs, thusmaking them look flatter. easier said than done. oh well just a thought. who wouldn't want a bigger chest anyways?
There are other factors that may contribute to this.

We have fat deposits outside and inside the gut (the omentum, for example). Testosterone does affect your metabolism, and I think some folks may react differently to it. What I have found, and learned, is the belly fat gained around the organs is more difficult to get rid of. It's also a contributing factor to cardiovascular disease. Then, there are some folks I know that take medications which cause fat redistribution in that region.

I've been doing my light abs, vaccuum crunches, etc. It doesn't really do much. A part of what I believe my "muscle belly" is from may be partly do to some of the above, but also improperly lifting heavy weight over time.

*shrug* I don't think there is any one answer to the issue. I've even seen extreme situations where someone goes in for abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to pull in all the tissue -- that sounds very painful and expensive.

Then, there is age. I am 44. I am not a Spring Chicken(tm) :) I know that, and it's one thing I gotta just accept.

I forget the name of the workout, but I bet you arent doing it which would be the cause of your protruding gut.

What the exercise involves is almost sucking your stomach in but not quite so. The goal is to make your abdominals get as close to your spine as possible, while contracting all parts of your abdominals. Hold this in for 30 seconds, and repeat for 3 "sets". Ultimately you will get to the point where you can do them sitting or even in a push-up posture, as standing is the easiest.


They are called vacuums, its in Arnie's bodybuilding bible. It should help with that issue.
Vacuum crunches should help this out, it basically involves sucking your stomach in after exhaling and performing a crunch, breath and repeat