Muscle fatigue and endurance - is this normal??


New member
I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but I find that I get tired (fatigued) very easily. I'm on week 4 of a Test Enanthate / D-bol cycle (just stopped the d-bol, my lower back was killing me), and I find that my muscles get really tired very quickly. I have no aerobic endurance it seems.
I play hockey once a week, and my legs were just dead. I even find climbing the stairs to really tire them out.

I seem to have plenty of energy to lift, and my muscles seem to recover almost between reps...

Is this normal???

thanks in advance!

Few possibilities:
1. Dbol is known to make some tired. See if it clears up when you stop.
2. You're overtraining. Sometimes you don't realize how much more you are doing when you're on.
3. (least likely) muscle pathology.

I'd take 2-3 days off from the gym and see if it's related to lifting or not. Then look at the "supps"
the same thing happened to me bro, im on a sustanon only cycle but my shins and calves always feel tight and swollen. i have plenty of energy for the weights and recover quickly like you, the thing is if i walk more than two blocks they get really tired and feel swollen and tight. someone told me this is a common occurance when on cycle. its called compartment syndrome. search for the thread under my name, there was a pretty good bit of information on it, maybe it pettains to you and maybe not. ill go look for it and send you a link.
Thanks Kube - sound like that could be it. I don't know if the thighs are just pumped and tired from lactic acid buildup (possible) or what. Will read the thread this aft. Appreciate your digging it up for me.