muscle inflamed/swollen?


New member
2nd shot in, did my shoulder.. felt normal like a charlie horse the next couple days.

did the shot on a monday, and on wednesday was my shoulder day

felt sore, but i decided to go on with my workout anyways.

last night (Wednesday) and all of today, my left arm where i poked myself is a little swollen

mainly my tricep, but i can feel it in my bicep as well

it hurts when i use the muscle pretty much.. and i missed the gym today because of it.

ive heated it, iced it, and will continue to do so unless its a bad idea?

just looking for some advice, it waas a good poke, no blood etc.. felt good and im hoping its just because i irritated it after which is why its swollen

sorry if this is the wrong place, just trying to see some advice asap.
2nd shot in, did my shoulder.. felt normal like a charlie horse the next couple days.

did the shot on a monday, and on wednesday was my shoulder day

felt sore, but i decided to go on with my workout anyways.

last night (Wednesday) and all of today, my left arm where i poked myself is a little swollen

mainly my tricep, but i can feel it in my bicep as well

it hurts when i use the muscle pretty much.. and i missed the gym today because of it.

ive heated it, iced it, and will continue to do so unless its a bad idea?

just looking for some advice, it waas a good poke, no blood etc.. felt good and im hoping its just because i irritated it after which is why its swollen

sorry if this is the wrong place, just trying to see some advice asap.

shot of what prop , e , cyp, sust ??? were gonna need some help mayne
1 st cycle ???? From what I ve read and been told it should nt hurt that bad, did you pull back and check for blood an all that shit ? Clean syringe ? Maybe it is dirty shit ? I dunno man , watch it though.
1 st cycle ???? From what I ve read and been told it should nt hurt that bad, did you pull back and check for blood an all that shit ? Clean syringe ? Maybe it is dirty shit ? I dunno man , watch it though.

ya, bran new pins, and syringes etc.. pulled back for blood, none.

it wasnt bad until i worked my muscle, then it got bad.. before that it was just sore not swollen.
Could be virgin muscle pain as I have heard it called . If it is red an swollen its an infection man.
Is it red ? swollen up and hard , or warm to the touch ?

its red, warm to the touch, and swollen. lol

like if i stand sideways at a mirror, with my right you can obv see my definition of my tricep, on my left side, its not as visible, and when i move it it feels like its sore on my bicep and tricep
its red, warm to the touch, and swollen. lol

like if i stand sideways at a mirror, with my right you can obv see my definition of my tricep, on my left side, its not as visible, and when i move it it feels like its sore on my bicep and tricep

I was told the glutes and legs are best for first timers ? Thats what I am gonna do, did you swab it with alcohol prior to injecting ?
Sounds infuckted.... imo....... anyone else got anything on this ???

i mean it cant be infected, if thats what you meant..

it was just sore in my shoulder all up until i worked shoulders, which is all tri, i did a few exercises which required biceps too so i can understand.

and i mean i swabbed and had clean pins and everything..

im stressing out about this, and i dont wanna just go to a walk in clinic, saying ya i poked myself and now its swollen what is it?
i mean it cant be infected, if thats what you meant..

it was just sore in my shoulder all up until i worked shoulders, which is all tri, i did a few exercises which required biceps too so i can understand.

and i mean i swabbed and had clean pins and everything..

im stressing out about this, and i dont wanna just go to a walk in clinic, saying ya i poked myself and now its swollen what is it?

Ya, I dunno man....... I cant see it so I have no Idea, and yeah I feel ya on the clinic thing..... Wait for some of the senior guys to answer , they may have more info and definatly have more experience than I.
I was told the glutes and legs are best for first timers ? Thats what I am gonna do, did you swab it with alcohol prior to injecting ?

ya well i think im gonna stick to glutes from now on, and just rotate so each one gets a shot every 7 days, im too nervous to inject quads..

and ya i swabbed*
Yeah I am gonna hit the quads, I can see what I am doing in my ass, so fuck all that contortion shit...... I ll just do the elvis presley and sit on the toilet. lmao
i mean it cant be infected, if thats what you meant..

it can be infected-although it is not likely

this exact thing happen to me a week ago-my shoulder blew up like a balloon. it was hard to the touch warm to the touch and hurt like a sum bitch.

it went away after a week-looking back i think i popped a blood vessel or something-cause whenever i would work out-as long as i did something besides shoulder-its like the bloodflow would loosen it up-hit the gym-dont stop hittin the gym

watch it for a few more days-if it keeps getting worse everyday then panic-as of right now-i would wait to go to doc unless i had a fever
it can be infected-although it is not likely

this exact thing happen to me a week ago-my shoulder blew up like a balloon. it was hard to the touch warm to the touch and hurt like a sum bitch.

it went away after a week-looking back i think i popped a blood vessel or something-cause whenever i would work out-as long as i did something besides shoulder-its like the bloodflow would loosen it up-hit the gym-dont stop hittin the gym

watch it for a few more days-if it keeps getting worse everyday then panic-as of right now-i would wait to go to doc unless i had a fever

There ya go mayne......
it can be infected-although it is not likely

this exact thing happen to me a week ago-my shoulder blew up like a balloon. it was hard to the touch warm to the touch and hurt like a sum bitch.

it went away after a week-looking back i think i popped a blood vessel or something-cause whenever i would work out-as long as i did something besides shoulder-its like the bloodflow would loosen it up-hit the gym-dont stop hittin the gym

watch it for a few more days-if it keeps getting worse everyday then panic-as of right now-i would wait to go to doc unless i had a fever

well tomorrows my arm day.. and your saying fight through the pain? and workout my arms..

or should i just maybe do chest or back just to losen things up.

my 3rd injections tomorrow, DEFINITELY going into my ass cheek

its not that ( the swollness) but it is annoying.. and does hurt to move when i stretch the muscle

like contracting my bicep hurst my tri a little, and vise versa

any suggestions? just fight through it, do my arms tomorrow, and rest for the weekend? or..
Depends on the pain, I mean fuck if it hurts that bad I would move to another bodya part and then come back to the one that hurt a day or so later.....
has a lump formed below inject site?

i would hit something besides shoulder-i tried to train through it and it just mad mine worse. but working out other body-parts to get the blood flowing def helped me.

i know how you feel-it hurt bad-and i could see how swollen my shoulder was in the mirror-like i said i believe i hit a nerve or popped a blood vessel-cause the gear is clean-and that has never happened to me before.
Depends on the pain, I mean fuck if it hurts that bad I would move to another bodya part and then come back to the one that hurt a day or so later.....

well ya i was gonna do legs today anywaqys, but i wanted to come home and have a hot bath and sleep

so tomorrow ill do legs regardless, and then inject.