Muscle Sorness

Legs are 100% better today... Hammies are a little messed but, the bath worked wonders..
I brewed up a steamy hot bath, with lots of fucking salts in it... Sat there and just rubbed my legs right out... Oh my, I should've done this the first night... Knots all in my hammies like crazy, it was gross!!
But, it helped and, I don't know why I didn't do this sooner...
cliff notes please? LOL... Hello? Ooh, she is already fast asleep! hehe

It was a blog sent to me from Chef..
He said read this on your smoke break... I fucking died.
The one about women is true... At least for me..

*Beef blood all over the fridge floor*
Matt: "Patz, get your period"
*looks in fridge*
Me: "Ahhh, for fuck sakes, you got a tampon by any chance?"

Some of the guys need tampons more then I do... And a fucking tissue.
You will constantly make mistakes, and every time you do make a mistake, someone will notice it and make you understand that you are clearly a subhuman because only a subhuman could make such a mistake.

Veerrryyyy True!
I even do it to people that aren't even at work..
We all get muscle sorness..
I'm on probably day three/four of my legs being torched... I'm starting to get annoyed with it because, I can't do anything...

How do you guys deal with your soreness?
Any tips or tricks of the trade, you'd like to share with the rest of us?

I really want to just chop my legs off, and grow a new set... Along with my triceps...
Why am I never this sore when I'm on gear? Does it really make that much more of a difference?

Soreness and DOMS usually happens when you overstimulate a muscle and it hasn't adapted enough beforehand to handle that much stress. Hot/cold baths or showers, hot baths with Epsom salt, icy/hot bengay, massages, yoga, stretching etc all help somewhat. Believe it or not working that muscle more often can also help prevent DOMS in the future. When I used to do a body part split, my quads and Hammies would be fried for days after leg day. Now I do whole body workouts and squat HEAVY 3x a week. I never have soreness in my legs anymore. Hope that helps!

Ps. I have an uncle who owns his own restaurant and is a chef. I know exactly what you're talking about nit requires a lot of dedication to stay in that industry. Props to you doing it as a woman AND lifting hardcore. A very tantalizing combination if I do say so myself.
Thank you...
Yeah just over loaded my legs last week... And being sore for four days is not cool.
And I'm not running any gear at the moment so... It's ten times worse.
This chick doesn't have time to, "soak in a bath"...
And how the hell am I going to massage my back?

I like a hot bath with salts but, like I said, there isn't enough time for me to do so... At the end of the day, I literally take a five minute shower, make my tea, and lights out by midnight.

I know you mentioned you had no time to soak in a bath, gotta say though this works really good. I have another tip if you're gonna be doing this. I don't know if you would be able to find this where you're located but if you can I highly recommend it, it works wonders

Yes it's for feet, but you can also use it in a tub for the whole body experience it does work, you throw in two packets in tub full of the hottest water your body can tolarate soak up for about 10min and I know u said you don't have have much time, but if an extra five min means complete body relaxation, not to mention a great nights sleep I would do it. Just throwing it out there. You can probably find this at your local pharmacy/drug store.
I was about to offer massage, but I don't really consider myself the "swollest motherfucker in the spot". LOL
Can you imagine being the only woman in a room full of ANDROGEN ENHANCED men? Buwhahahahaha. ;)

could you imagine what would ensue if all these people were in a REAL room!? yikes, im only 2 weeks in my cycle, I wouldnt wanna be anyway near that room....
could you imagine what would ensue if all these people were in a REAL room!? yikes, im only 2 weeks in my cycle, I wouldnt wanna be anyway near that room....
*sniff* Them pheromones be strong. Yeah, it would be interesting, that's for sure!
I've found - it's not the muscle soreness that forces growth - no ah ah - it seems like it - but it's not the magic ingredient...

It's actually the - "INTENCITY"- that forces your body to grow - no exceptions.

INTENSITY - is what tells the body to respond ... "RIGHT NOW!

Once you understand that - you can cut your workout timed in half as d DOUBLE your progress.

You douches... I'm always in a room full of men, yous forget!! Work... Only chick... Gym... Only chick!!

I love posting cause you guys make me laugh!
LMFAO... PICKLE up a random dude eh...
Picking up is the easy part... One with strong hands... well... I guess I would just have to find the swollest motherfucker in the spot, and bend over...
Then I'll see if he'll offer his services free of charge... It'd be a win/win situation... Given that he is down.

FYI If I could like this 2x I would
I deal with my soreness a pretty unusual way I guess I could say. I work in a medical warehouse so I'm ALWAYS on my feet and ALWAYS moving around. Literally the only times I sit down are during my breaks and I focus more on eating my meals than massaging my muscles.

For me, the more I move around, the better I feel. If I stand still my quads cramp up it feels like I'm turning into a statue. So, I move around. It's my way of dealing with the soreness. I sometimes massage my muscles or just jiggle them for a few seconds then slap them (serious) and it works fine too.
Oh... I have something to share before I seriously go to bed...
Maybe this will help understand who I am a little more..

50 things they never told you about being a chef
When people are thinking of taking their first steps into kitchens, many around them are quick to give advice. They will warn of the toil involved, the strength of character and the stamina that are needed, the long hours... But however much warning is given, one is always quick to disregard it and shrug one's shoulders because really, how hard can it be?
In my years working in kitchens I have seen hundreds come and go; eager at the start but quickly disenchanted and just as eager to get out. Only a small percentage of people who walk into the world of gastronomy stay there once faced with this harsh environment.
Below is a list that I compiled of all the realities of day to day life as a chef, based on my own experience as well as on my observations.

What you can expect from making a living in a professional kitchen:

You'll almost always have open wounds on your hands and arms.
You'll never meet new people because your social life deteriorates into non-existence.
You'll find it hard to start relationships because alone time will become a precious thing.
You'll lose your social skills.
Your sense of humour will degrade into the politically incorrect and socially unacceptable.
You'll eventually start swearing like a sailor and you won't even notice yourself doing it.
You'll turn into an anorak/monomaniac and always turn all conversations back to food.
You'll earn a pittance for years/decades.
You'll either lose a vast amount of weight or gain a vast amount of weight.
You'll never ever have a tan ever again.
You won't become famous.
You'll develop a habit, whether it be coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, cannabis, cocaine, or even red bull.
Your feet will get destroyed.
Your back will get destroyed.
Your hands will get destroyed.
You'll live in a constant state of sleep deprivation, indefinitely.
You'll have to ask your friends to plan everything around your schedule, which is in complete opposition with their availability, because you never know your days off in advance and you probably won't be able to change it.
You'll become of a very highly strung nature
You'll become more prone to temper flare ups
Your awareness of other people's lack of efficiency and common sense will increase and your tolerance of it will decrease.
You'll spend the largest part of your life cooped up in a small, undecorated room with poor ventilation, high temperatures, a lot of noise, humidity, no natural light and no windows, with a small group of people who will become your only social interactions.
You will work longer hours than you ever imagined possible or thought legal.
You will spend all your waking hours on your feet, never getting a chance to sit down even for 5 minutes.
Your shortest work days will be longer than most people's longest, and your longer work days, which make up about half of your working week, will be longer than the average person is awake in a day.
You will not cook gourmet dinners at home. You'll be too tired, and too fed up of cooking.
You will probably start eating mostly fast food and cheap instant noodles.
You will be the subject of abuse, whether physical or emotional. Officially, it will be as a test of character. In reality, it will be as a form of entertainment.
You will end up spending so much time at work that your colleagues will know you better than your partner/family/friends do.
You will meet and form strong bonds with types of people whom you'd previously never even have imagined sharing conversations with.
You will be in a constant state of stress.
You will never be irreplaceable and will be expected to constantly give 110%.
You will always be exhausted.
You will not be allowed to call in sick for a hangover.
You will be expected to place your work before any other part of your life in your list of priorities.
You will never be congratulated on your work.
You will be expected to treat your superiors as absolute masters and never answer back, try to explain yourself, start a conversation, or show any other type of insubordination, even if you know that they are in the wrong or feel as if their behaviour towards you is unacceptable.
It will become very difficult to watch friends cook.
Your mum will stop cooking for you because she feels embarrassed.
You will be expected to cook for family gatherings such as Christmas EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Luckily, at least one year out of two, you will be working on Christmas.
At least one year out of two, and maybe every year, you will work Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter, Valentine's day, Mother's day, Father's day, bank holidays, Halloween, your birthday, and pretty much every other day of celebration on the calendar.
You will have to work many years in menial positions before attaining any level of authority in the workplace.
The better the restaurant is, the longer the work hours become, the more pressure you end up under, the more unhealthy your lifestyle will become, the more likely you will be to develop a habit, the more competitive the people around you will become, the less sleep you'll get, the less you'll eat etc.
You will constantly make mistakes, and every time you do make a mistake, someone will notice it and make you understand that you are clearly a subhuman because only a subhuman could make such a mistake.
If you are a woman, you will constantly be the subject of misogynist remarks and jokes, sexual harassment, belittlement and remarks about your menstrual cycle.
None of your friends or family will understand what is involved in your work and you will never be able to make them understand.
You will spend vast amounts of money on equipment, books, eating in good restaurants etc, which will leave you with not much money for other things.
You will develop a creepy obsession with knives.
If you are a pastry chef, you will develop a creepy obsession with spoons.
You will get a rash in your arse crack from the mixture of heat, sweat and friction that will not heal well, sometimes get infected, will mostly always be slimy and itchy and will be there most of the time.
If you are the right type of person, you will thank your lucky star every single day for the rest of your life for making you take the best decision you ever did and become a chef. And you will fall in love with your job and never look back.


Honestly, minus the stuff specific to cooking and women, that sounds pretty much like a dead ringer for my old job- Not sure about the ass crack rashes, but we had a few guys get pilonidal cysts from having to sit down in naugahyde chairs all day, sweating in a dark room
You douches... I'm always in a room full of men, yous forget!! Work... Only chick... Gym... Only chick!!

I love posting cause you guys make me laugh!

No wonder why you are getting so swole, you need those muscles to fend em all off! :D