my 19 month evolution


New member
here are my pics from start to where i am now, start pics i weighed 140lbs last pics i weigh 185lbs, i was 196lbs 2 months ago but most was fat and water, i may diet for the winter but i think really i should carry on bulking till febuary, not too sure i would like to see some abs and cuts,
excuse the wallpaper it wasnt my place :gay2:





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Keep up the good work and just continue to bulk for now IMO. i dont think you'll have a problem leaning out when it's time.:D
you are retarded. do not touch gear until you have your sleep/eat/training figured out. You look fraIL as shit and should step in the weightroom before u juice.
it's surprising on how healthy a tan makes you look, before training i didnt have my shirt off since i was 14 , not even short sleeve t-shirts
ok, update i am now 201lbs and a lot leaner i will update with some full body shots soon, my arms are now 16.5" which for me is an acheivement, still a long way till i will be where i want to be, ideally 220lbs with 8% BF and 18s, << which i think is a good size considering i am small boned, not sure wether i should start cutting now? or maybe carry on bulking? i would really like to see what i look like ripped,


i ran tren depot 200mg per week for 8 weeks, added 13lbs in weight, but im sure at least 19lbs muscles mass as i have lost fat, + my arms blew upt 3/4 of an inch + bench went up 80lbs, my legs didnt grow much, although i have only been doing squats as a routine, i may add leg press deadlifts, and extensions
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alfa23 said:
i ran tren depot 200mg per week for 8 weeks, added 13lbs in weight, but im sure at least 19lbs muscles mass as i have lost fat, + my arms blew upt 3/4 of an inch + bench went up 80lbs, my legs didnt grow much, although i have only been doing squats as a routine, i may add leg press deadlifts, and extensions

Have you experienced any negative side effects?
Shit Alfa.

Your really going for it. Good for you.

Just remember to keep banging away with the weights in the gym.
Good Job man. To go from 140 to 200 pounds is an accomplishment in itself. Like Ecto said, I don't think you will have a problem leaning out so hit it hard. Good luck. keep us posted
Bro, you are 140 in the first pic and 185 in the second pic ?
Youo look more like 130 and 150...
But keep bulking, good progress...!
JuicEvrything said:
Looks like the same pic one with a tan and one without.

I thought that also,

But there is some progress though, but 200 lbs seems a bit
much for the pic.
It could be the pic.

Nice work anyway bro
these pics above are very old... I have been out of training for 3 years... but been back solid now for a few weeks already jacked back up, and body fat is melting from me... only have these 2 crappy pics with more to upload in the following 2 weeks
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