My 1st self pix...:)


New member
Mostly every one else posts so I thought I would show mine before my hernia operation to motivate me to get back into top shape again :eyes:
No pix of my legs but I dont train for size anymore as I am 38 with a bum back and squats I just can't do.
My squat max used to be 365 for 6 & 235 for 36 but that was after 5 sats of extension,5 hams,6 sets of leg presses 990 for 4 was my max there.
.Now I just bike & run so my Arnold classic photo should show my wheels.

If you look above my belltbutton you can see a BUBBLE??
My HERNIA :insane2: ............look exactly like a fuckin ALIEN is going to jump out of me!
How I wish I was 22 again:(
Nice mature muscle with some good need a new tshirt tho :D How did you do the hernia ?
Lucky13 said:
Nice mature muscle with some good need a new tshirt tho :D How did you do the hernia ?

I have no idea???
The day before my operation I did 375 crunches before my workout and never felt a thing?He said thing like this happen naturally so no biggie.
I had a cyst/tumor close to my armpit that needed to be removed so the Dr. did a 2 for 1 type oporation to fix it.
I played seniorA fastpitch so I always did alot of forarm work,wrist curls (5 set 95lbs-10-15 reps) and forarm curls 65-95lbs for 7-15 reps.
I was never a seriously strong lifter but when I did high reps 7 years ago consistancy and diet helped define my physique.
outlawtas2 said:
looking good bro. What are you stats?

I don't really keep track,like stepping on a scale you feel good step on the scale and it ruins your whole freakin week:(
About 5'8 170 ,42 reg suit,legs used to be 25 inches now about 22 1/2(back).
My max flat bench is 291 but I don't do flat anymore,100lb dumbells for 3-4 on my 8th set just to give you an idea.
parrish said:
I don't really keep track,like stepping on a scale you feel good step on the scale and it ruins your whole freakin week:(
About 5'8 170 ,42 reg suit,legs used to be 25 inches now about 22 1/2(back).
My max flat bench is 291 but I don't do flat anymore,100lb dumbells for 3-4 on my 8th set just to give you an idea.

I feel you on the scale, I've pretty much cut out weighing myself cuz I expect way too much. I just use the mirror now, it's the best because I'm a bber and that's all that really counts.

I don't flat bench anymore either, after a recent shoulder injury. I miss it, but I gotta stay away for at least a little while...

Keep up the good work.
BTW how'd you get the hernia?

38's still young anyways, you look better than 90% of the 22 year olds I see!
parrish said:
I have no idea???
The day before my operation I did 375 crunches before my workout and never felt a thing?He said thing like this happen naturally so no biggie.
I had a cyst/tumor close to my armpit that needed to be removed so the Dr. did a 2 for 1 type oporation to fix it.
I played seniorA fastpitch so I always did alot of forarm work,wrist curls (5 set 95lbs-10-15 reps) and forarm curls 65-95lbs for 7-15 reps.
I was never a seriously strong lifter but when I did high reps 7 years ago consistancy and diet helped define my physique.

OUTLAWS hernia read above..
Yeah gotta keep the shoulders tight..I used to press behind the neck 205 for 2 and 195 for I do read,front delts then shoulder press for reps like 20,15,12,6...Like I tell the kids in there you try to do max, 3 people see you then you tear somthing and cannot do anything for 6 months or destroy completely and end up looking like shit!
After so many injuries it's better to look like you bench 3 plates than actually do it :insane2:
your arm looks the same as mine and mine are over 17...maybe i am measuring them, anyways looking good buds
look alot bigger than 170 bro...nice job. do you stay so lean all year round? running does wonders i hear :p