my 2 five weeks cycle blasts starting at 230 lean... thoughts?


New member
hi there... me from italy.asking for thoughts bout this not a novice...i am a competitor... but i used to compete two years ago in the evolution class was tall 6.1 and max weight possible was 90 kg for me (10% kg more than height)
u can found my pics on my fb filo casini newgymdonna or follow on ig filocasini
but i stopped competing because this june i wanna compete in the open division so i took time to bulk lean... this will be the first heavy cycle i will be doing... i never overpassed 1500 mg per week... by now... lol
im gonna post my diet too.. workout is on changing every 3-4 weeks

every day i use 20 mg nolva at night and 1 proviron at lunch one at bed
cycle 1 starting 24 october
week one-week two-week three
sustanon 250 x 4
deca durabolin 200 mg x 5
oxymetholone 50 mg at breakfast 50 mg 3 hours prior training only in training days
on training days 10 humalog unit at breakfast and immediatly after workout
insu only on w.o days
week 4 stop insu
sustanon x4 all on the monday then stop testo
200 mg primobolan daily total 1400
100 mg Winstrol (winny) 50 morning and 50 pills 2 hours before workout or at lunch
week 5 stop primo continue winstrol at 150 daily til the friday stop all
week 6 start first post cycle therapy (pct)
clenbuterol 20-40-60 stop 2 days repeat
arimidex 0.5 x day x 21 days
clomid 100 day 1-2-3 then 50 x 21 days
hcg 2000 ui every monday and thursday total 12000
cycle 2
week 1-3
1000 t viron
1000 boldenone
50 mg dianabol all in one dose 3 hour before workout
week 4
1000 viron
stop bolde
100 die tren ace
week 4 stop viron
150 tren die plus 150 Winstrol (winny) die til friday stop all
on monday week 17 start post cycle therapy (pct) same as the past

my diet will be different from working days and non working out
i will workout 5 times tuedsday wdnseday thursday friday and sunday
w.o days
breakfast 130 gr oat 1 banana 220 grams tuna plus 10 u.i humalog
3 hours later 3 scoops syntha-6
3 hours later 130 oats and about 500 ml egg whites with 1 red
workout after
60 grams carnivor and 70 gr vitargo and 1 banana and 20 gluta and 10 u.i.
1 hour later 130 oats with 500 egg and 10 almonds
last meal
veggies 400 grams tilapia 1 tbsp oil
during night when i wake for piss i drink 60 casein

non working out days
breakfast 1 banana 2 scoops whey protein 15 almonds
3 hours later 300 gr chicken breast with 1 tbsp olive oil
3 hours later 200 gr tuna with olive oil
3 hours later 15 almonds and 2 scoops whey
3 hours later 300 gr lean red meat veggies and oil
before bed fat free cheese 300 grams
at nighttime casein 60 grams

my goal is to compete at a shredded 225-230 pounds and weighing in a lean 250 after these two cycle
im gonna start hgh when i will start contest diet and prep about in late march

tnx in advance