My 3J story!!

I signed up for the basic package. I don't know the exact calories I left that up to my man along with my intakes. He tweaked it as the time went on to help me progress, lipids were fine anavars pretty mild I didn't check while on winni though. Im off cycle now started pct this week.
Downright impressive man. Its results like this that make it hard for me to wait on my first cycle but Rome wasnt built in a day so no point in rushing into it. :)
Next pics are the results! Ended at 187lbs, 18.75" arms, 31.5" waist, 45.5" chest.

Curious though how did your lower half fair? Quads and Calves size you never posted on those originally but im sure you were tracking that progress with 3j :).
WOW! very impressive!!! really makes you realize with the proper coaching,diet and dedication.........the results are more than even you imagined! congrats bro!
Thanks again guys.....and heres the infamous leg shot! No chicken legs here!! I can't find the email with my starting quad measurment but its 23.5" in this pic....along with my bitchin tan lines @Hellsman.....wait til this next cycle ;) haha new gear new body!

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haha, yea he doesn't have chicken legs i would have been on his ass about it if he did
Congrats and kudos to 3J. What is the timespan between the before and after photos?

he will answer the end of this question... as for the congrats give it to him bro not me.. he is the one who put the hard work in... i just showed him the right path to walk :D
he will answer the end of this question... as for the congrats give it to him bro not me.. he is the one who put the hard work in... i just showed him the right path to walk :D

Modesty...another 3J trait. You are correct that your clients do all the work, but you provide the knowledge and gameplan. Many of us, myself included, thought we ate right with chicken, protein shakes, and protein bars alone.

I have utilized your services twice in the past year, and my results have been better in that time than in the last 10. By the way, you may remember we were stuck at 212 and I said I needed more time with your plan. Now down to 204, but no pictures here. Don't want you all to laugh at the gray chest hair on this aging lifter :).
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Modesty...another 3J trait. You are correct that your clients do all the work, but you provide the knowledge and gameplan. Many of us, myself included, thought we ate right with chicken, protein shakes, and protein bars alone.

I have utilized your services twice in the past year, and my results have been better in that time than in the last 10. By the way, you may remember we were stuck at 212 and I said I needed more time with your plan. Now down to 204, but no pictures here. Don't want you all to laugh at the gray chest hair on this aging lifter :).

thats awesome news!!! congrats bro!!!

wow another 3js nutrition network client speaks of his success.. im so blessed!!

since i dont correlate people to their user name for privacy reasons i dont always know who has been my client on this forum..

keep working bro your gonna get far!!