New member
I wanted to keep the doseages low and the duration short because it was my first cycle and I didnt know much. I ran Winstrol (winny) for 2 weeks at 50 mgs a day then ran 20-25 mgs of dbal a day. there were days when I ran both and some days I did 25mgs of Winstrol (winny) a day because the joint pain was getting out of hand And I couldnt sleep. I like the DBOL alot more as far a overall body pains, it actually made me feel better. the Winstrol (winny) at 50mgs a day was producing great results but the joint pain mainly in the shoulder was crazy so I had to cut it down to 25mgs ed. but hey yah gotta start some were right. I dont have a scale so sadly I dont know how much weight I gained but I did gain 3/4's of and inch on my arms not bad for a four week cycle right? went from 15 and 3/4 of an inch to 16 and a half. over all my body looks alot better. my bench went from barley able to do 245 for one or two reps to being able to press 300 for 6 solid reps no problem. strenth went up tremdously in everthing. its amazing and so far Ive kept most if not all of the gains. let me know if you see any notible changes or not.
The first batch of pics are the befores Ill post the afters in a little while. Gotta go find somebody to take them...
The first batch of pics are the befores Ill post the afters in a little while. Gotta go find somebody to take them...