My 5x5 log


do what?
time for a size and strength routine so decided to go with 5x5 routine. this is my first time going with such low rep and higher weight. ego gets thrown at the window as form will not be sacrificed. gonna stick with compound movements. resting around 60 seconds between sets and 5 minutes between exercises. Gonna split each workout upper body then lower body trying to hit each half every 4th day or so switching barbell to dumbell. any feedback fire away, nothing is set in stone as I'm open minded and appreciate advice.
stats - 5'7" 173lbs. my legs are pathetic, no need to remind me :shoot2:


Barbell Bench - 235x5
Incline Row machine - 120x5 ....sets 2&3 Barbell Rows 155x5

did 3 sets of this. had to pause between reps 4&5 a couple of times. didn't want to do all 5 sets. gonna take a slow approach see what weights are ideal and see how I feel.
Smith Machine Military Press - 150(minus the bar)x5
60 sec rest
rear delt fly machine - 120x10

did 4 sets. rep #5 felt nice, had to pause and rest for a few secs on the last set.
Barbell Curl - 95x5
Skullcrushers - 80x5

this was 2 sets. reps 5 were nearly maxed, maybe 1 more on both.

awesome pumps! pwo shake (dex/wms/whey/cee) with IGF pec shot :D
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killer pumps

I should also add just over half way in var(40/ed)/test(350/wk) cycle

looking huge for under 175lbs bro!

Good luck with the split and 5x5
no 'ology contest.

multis are good, no fluorescent colored piss which has me thinking I'm getting full absorption.
regarding the colored piss...i can take the first dose and get neon piss, but very little after that. I can double dose and not get the neon piss. I just concluded to myself that the neon color wasn't the actual vitamins, but maybe the toxins in my body being flushed out because of the vitamins. I mean, toxic stuff does glow green, right?
I think you should def. do the 'ology contest. You have a great build and are very lean. Why wouldn't you?

Barbell squats 275 x 5 (form sucked on 1st set)
lowered weight between 225 - 275 trying smith vs straight bar. got a couple sets of 6 and 7 reps. then slowed down my tempo to try and hit 5 at a max. I need a spotter for heavy squats, the smith machine doesn't feel right.
Total of 5 sets

Lying leg Curl 140 x 5

Seated calf raises 160 x 10
2 sets

Hanging Straight Leg Raises

12 reps. 2 sets.

note to self - use ephedrine on leg days. the intensity is not quite there.
haha, on the ef...i've got a ton..used 25mg and thought my heart was gonna explode. Next time i try it, i'm def going half dose

Incline Dumbbell Press 100 x 5
4 sets

Deadlifts 245 x 5
4 sets (new exercise believe it or not)

Cable flyes weight? x 10
3 sets

Weighted pull ups 45lb x 5
3 sets

Barbell Curls 95 x 5
2 sets

Rope triceps push downs 80 x 5
2 sets

good form, not perfect. great pump. gonna start hitting 5 x 5 as I'm getting a feel for this routine
it was a 5x5 routine I picked off a search. it has each workout hitting either upper or lower body. only thing is I won't be able to to 4 workouts a week with my schedule, probably 3.
doing chest and back on the same day gives you a pump that makes ya feel HUGE!

Nice work mppm

285x5 for 4 sets

lying leg curl
140x5 for 4 sets

hack squats
3 plates for 3 sets

stiff legged deadlift on machine (first time doing this exercise)
2 plates for 8 reps for 3 sets

seated calf raise
2 sets

got a spotter, great workout