My Anavar and Winstrol course

The first post in this thread by Jcp2:

Post #7 in this thread by StonecoldNto:

Post #1 in this thread by StonecoldNto:

You are young and if you do things wisely you will have many good years ahead of you. If a resource like this forum was available 20 years ago when I started I would probably avoided many mistakes that have caused me a bit of grief in my late 30's.

Oh my fuck, I hate to admit it and before I do admit it let me just say a HUGE THANK YOU to Sparx69 for showing me but, I only just read the Newbie forum now I always saw it but just went straight past it to read other peoples threads. So Testosterone would be the best thing to go for on a first cycle?? But I am still scared about Acne. Which Test would you guys recommend?? Test Prop or Test E??
Another thing, could someone please give me the full chemical name of the Test E?? I know I've seen it on my suppliers price list but I lost it somewhere?? Once again thanks Sparky boy I should've read the Newbie section.
Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate are medically interchangeable. Either one would do the trick. You can read more about them in the 'steroid profile' section of the forum.
Seems your biggest fear is acne, well that is caused by fluctuating hormone levels and Winstrol (winny) & Anavar are going to do that as well, so you will certainly not be immune to getting acne.
dude just do var!!! i've been on it a week and my bench has increased 20 fuckin pounds! i had a weird achney thing too and the Anavar (var) is a regenerative steroid that is clearing it up, my skin has never looked so good, no lie, i've read that when women use it they also love what it does for their skin... i do 20ml am and then 10ml pm, use all types of creatine with it, short esters long esters, pre workout post workout, you will be so strong you won't know what the hell to do with yourself... YOU DON'T NEED TEST RIGHT NOW, keep it simple, buy 200, 10ml caps of Anavar (var) and do 30-40 mls a day! then nolva 3 weeks out!
You the man Sparx, thanks again dude.
Yes Stone my biggest fear definately is acne, I've had that shit once and don't want it again. Will the Test E cause severe acne?? or Is there anything I can do to prevent the acne?? And will my nuts definately shrink on a 12 week course of Test??
Shot for the advice Pushover, that was my original plan, to just do the Anavar (var) and then I thought that extra course of Winstrol (winny) would tighten and harden me up even more. So you say your skin is clearing well? That's good news for me dude. Maybe I'll get some Universal Shock Therapy with it. Sweet bro

No disrespect intended but nothing could be further from the truth. Your giving advice that completely contradicts the most basic fundamentals that are taught here.... To make matters worse you are claiming results that are not possible after one week of Var. If your gains are as you claim it is likely the result of something else (diet, intensity etc.) BUT DEFINATELTY NOT THE VAR.

As far as the acne goes..... do a search on acne and you will see a ton of solutions that members here have tried and tested. Everything from tanning, frequent showers and change your bed linens frequently. You will also find info on supplements and perscriptions such as Accutane. I rarely have acne issues but if I do mine are easily resolved by the aforementioned (excluding supplements and Accutane).

When I am at home I usually do not wear a shirt because it rubs against the acne and further irritates it. If my acne exceeds what I can tolerate I use a product called "Aroma da Terra" which is a product used to prevent acne and breakouts after getting waxed. Similar products could likely be found at any clinic or spa.

Personally I can live with a bit of ACNE, what I can't stand is my wife popping my zits when I am trying to rest or sleep... WTF is that all about??!!!
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hahahahahaha! well i don't just come up with lies, i'm just posting what i'm personaly experiencing, everyone reacts diffrently to steroids and drugs to a point... and i can tell you that if you get real gear that it will work, and with in a week or sometimes less! i've been clean for so long that my receptors are just soaking up the juice baby, it depends, some of these guys on here are wasted lol, prolly couldn't get a feel off a fina pellet if they injected it right into their nutsack lol! i've never done Anavar (var) before, but i'm telling you, i baught it on the 20th and i didn't even know if it was legit, but if you saw me busting viens and throwing weights around like kids playing in a sandbox, that you wouldn't say nothing now! Anavar (var) has been used on burn patiants in hospitals to keep thier muscles from wasting and to also help with regeneration... i noticed a couple of days ago that marks and little nicks from achne have been going away, i'm sure its from the regenerative qualities in the var, and i've read on another message board that women thought the same... this sparx guy, whats with always saying "nothing can be further from the truth" like do you even know how broad a statment that is, have you ever heard of a grey area? kid, test will give you achne, why do you think when you hit puberty you get achne! JUST DO Anavar (var) ON ITS OWN, be smart, gradual gains are better anyway, especialy if its your first time!
dude just do var!!! i've been on it a week and my bench has increased 20 fuckin pounds! i had a weird achney thing too and the Anavar (var) is a regenerative steroid that is clearing it up, my skin has never looked so good, no lie, i've read that when women use it they also love what it does for their skin... i do 20ml am and then 10ml pm, use all types of creatine with it, short esters long esters, pre workout post workout, you will be so strong you won't know what the hell to do with yourself... YOU DON'T NEED TEST RIGHT NOW, keep it simple, buy 200, 10ml caps of Anavar (var) and do 30-40 mls a day! then nolva 3 weeks out!

I think this is a case of mind over matter. So many people I personally know have tried "var" only trusted source at higher and lower than 30mg a day. While it did produce hardening the strength gains are way over rated. Also there is no way in 1 week you are going to feel much of anything attributed to var. I would say even though Anavar (var) is short lasting your muscle would need more exposure than 30mg in a week. How much do you weigh pushover? I think Anavar (var) is kind of overrated speaking from experience and unless you can do 60mg+ its not worth it. Its a mild steroid.
over rated, well i'm sure it is, depending on quality and the probibility that 80% of shit you get from a UGL would be underdosed, this indeed would make the steroid weak as hell... you gotta remeber that its a pre-contest drug that gives you a tiny edge when your already ripped... my BB budy use to eat anavar like smarties guy, he thinks i'm a pussy for doing only 30ml, lol! but i'm very sensitve to shit and don't need alot of it, i pyramid my doses, if i feel too androgenic then i cut the dose... its soooooooo weird that you guys say you can't feel a steroid in a week, cuz you really should, my fist cycle of d-bols 4 years ago i felt 5 days in man, they were british dragons, little pink pill, and it was one of the best steroid trips i ever had!... its been 10 days for me and i don't mean i'm sqauting 5 plates a side, i'm about 10% stronger then i was 10 days earlier is all i mean... its a small gain, but to me that is being jacked! but i'm sure it will taper off if i don't increase the dose... i'm not ripped, cuz Anavar (var) dosn't get you ripped, you have to be ripped already to get the full benifits, but i'm still vascualar, and more so now when working out then before... i'm on a pre workout, post workout, and long slow release creatine, the effects are synergistic with var... under rated, maybe, but who cares, any gain is better then no gain, i would rather feel slow solid gains then rapid water weight! i'm planning a serious cycle soon, but i am really enjoying the Anavar (var) right now... just make sure your shit is real!
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