My Androlean log


Hi all,

I will start a new PP cycle, and a new log here.

I'm 43, 187cm
Weight : 88kg
Waist : 87cm
BF : 13.7% according to YMCA method (I will post before/after pics)

Here my next cycle on 8 weeks :

- Androlean v3 - 6 caps/day
- Androdrive v3 - 3 caps/day
- Androhard v2 - 3 caps/day

I continue to use Dermatherm gel on my abs each morning during all the cycle.
I intend to use AndroEnhance in 3 pumps/day during the 6th first weeks of my cycle.

post cycle therapy (pct) will be TRSv2 fro PP during weeks 9-12, with Ostarine 20mg/day added.

Concerning workouts :
Based on heavy duty workout. No cardio, I'm karateka and I have 2 sessions/week
So, here is my program :
Monday : Chest/Biceps (5PM)
Tuesday : Karate (8PM)
Wednesday : Shoulders/Triceps/Traps (5PM)
Thursday : OFF
Friday : Back (5PM)
Saturday : Karate (10AM)
Sunday : Legs (5PM) - If I'm able to do that .... I need good stability for Karate and legs workouts are important for me.
I will detail all sessions (except Karate of course )

Concerning my diet :
I intend to do "personnalized" Carb Back Loading from Kiefer

Carb BackLoading day : (monday, wednesday, friday, saturday, sunday)
7AM : 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil / Fish Oil ==> ~130kCal
12PM : Lunch : ~60g prots / ~60g fats ==> ~ 800kCal
16PM : Preworkout shake : ~20g prots / ~20g fats ==> 260kCal
18PM : Postworkout shake : ~40g prots / ~40g carbs ==> ~300kCal
19PM : Dinner : Fish Oil / ~40g prots / ~100-300g carbs ==> Up to 1200kCal
Macros total :
Prots : 160g
Carbs : up to 340g (only after workout)
Fats : ~100g (only before workout)
Total : Up to 2700kCal
My caloric maintenance is about 2400kCal

OFF day : Tuesday and Thursday (like a keto diet)
7AM : 1 tablespoon of Coconut Oil / Fish Oil ==> ~130kCal
12PM : Lunch : ~60g prots / ~60g fats ==> ~ 800kCal
16PM : Snack : ~40g prots / ~40g fats ==> ~500kCal
19PM : Dinner : Fish Oil / ~60g prots / ~60g fats ==> 800kCal
Macros total :
Prots : 160g
Carbs : 0g
Fats : 160g
Total : 2200kCal

I will adapt my diet in function if my BF increases or if I don't gain muscle. I think I will start next week. I will log all my workouts and number of carbs eaten when I carb backloaded.

My first and main aim is to gain LEAN MUSCLE and, if possible, decrease my BF.

Edit 10/18/12 : Cycle change
After advices, I decided to extend my cycle from 8 up to 12 weeks.

Here is what I will do :
- Week 1-12 : 6/AndroLean.v3 3/AndroHard.v3 3pumps/AndroEnhance
- Week 1-12 : 2/AndroDrive
- Week 13-16 : post cycle therapy (pct) with TRSv2 from Primordial Performance

:eyes: (this is a copy of my Primodial Performance log)
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I will update this log once a week.

I don't know really when I start but soon. I modified a few bit my stack.

Here is my new stack for my next 8 weeks cycle, for each day :

- 6 caps Androlean v3
- 3 caps Androdrive
- 3 caps Androhard v3
- 4 pumps AndroEnhance
- 1 spoon of Toco 8

PCT for weeks 9-12 with TRS v2 from Primordial Performance
I don't know if I will add Osta RX in the same time. Few people told me it was not a good idea ...
Ya don't add Osta to post cycle therapy (pct) it is suppressive...given its mild nature though 4 weeks into post cycle therapy (pct) after you finish you could start it
Ok, so I start my next cycle on Monday.

To summarize, for each day (on morning) :

- 6 caps of ALv3
- 3 caps of AHv3
- 3 caps of AD
- 4 pumps of AE

- 2 pumps of Dermatherm Gel cause I like the hot feeling during karate session and workouts (if you read my Dermatherm log, you will see that I doubt this product is really effective if BF is not in a single digit)

my goal is to gain lean muscle (and if it's possible loose some belly fat). Fortunately Androlean v3 is THE belly fat destroyer according to Eric :D

Concerning my diet, I will go on Keto diet for the next week with the same macros than today :

Day ON/OFF : ~2200kCal with ~170g Prots/Fat
Carb refeed on saturday night

For the week 2, always on keto diet but with macros prots/fats increased :
Day ON/OFF : ~2500kCal with ~190g Prots/Fat
Carb refeed on saturday night

For the weeks 3-8, I switch from Keto diet to my personnalized Carb Back-loading from Kiefer

Week 3 :
Day ON : 2800 kCal with 200g of carbs, 240g of prots and 100g of fat (fat before workout and carbs after workout)
Day OFF : 2700kCal with 205g prots/fat like the keto diet (day without resistance training -Saturday excepted :rolleyes: - So OFF on Tuesday, Thursday and on sunday if leg workout is not realized - depending if I'm not too tired)

From week 4, I will increase amount of daily carbs in function of how I feel, and how I look on morning.
For PCT, I will go on like the last week of my cycle

So :
Week 1 : Keto diet - 2200kCal
Week 2 : Keto diet - 2500kCal
Week 3 : Carb Back-loading diet - 2750kCal
Week 4-12 : Carb Back-loading diet - from 2750kCal up to the possible max

My workouts are oriented Heavy Duty (program from Kiefer).
4 workouts/week :
Monday : Chest/biceps
Wednesday : Shoulders/triceps/traps
Friday : Back
Sunday : Legs

No cardio at all but Karate on tuesday and saturday (for a total of about 3h - 3h30)

I will do a summarized post each morning with :
- Workout results and details
- Weight and waist
- Diet
- How I feel

and will post an after pics at the end of the 8th and 12th week (after cycle and PCT). A today pic will be available soon :cool:

Today :
Weight : 87kg / 191.4lbs
Waist : 86.5cm / 34.1'
Height : 187cm / 6'13 (will normaly not fluctuate :) )
BF (YMCA method - just to have a way to follow BF evolution) : 13.5% (more in reality actually - you will estimate according to my before pic :p)

For information, I already used PP products last year. It was a 4 weeks cycle with AMv2/AHv2 - I can compare the two cycles.

Let's go !!! :cool:

(This is a copy of my Primordial Performance Log - And, to be more precise, I'm not sponsored by PP :nonono2:)
What is your ultimate goal that you are trying to get out of this cycle?

Extreme fat-loss?

Body remodeling (lose some fat, gain some muscle)

lean mass accrual -- minimize fat accrual?

What is your ultimate goal that you are trying to get out of this cycle?

Extreme fat-loss?

Body remodeling (lose some fat, gain some muscle)

lean mass accrual -- minimize fat accrual?


Body remodeling (lose some fat, gain some muscle). Without hesitation
Body remodeling (lose some fat, gain some muscle). Without hesitation

I have personally witness 2 guys remodel their physiques in 12 weeks on AndroLean.

Yes I dictated their nutrition -- but AndroLean was their only hormonal supplement.

I believe I posted 1 guys before / afters on here --- and I will release the other guys after this week

Matt, do you think, or do you propose to add 4 other weeks to my cycle with AL ?

It would be like that :
Week 1-8 : 6/ALv3 3/AHv3 3/AD 3pumps/AE
Week 9-12 : 6/ALv3 3pumps/AE
Week 13-16 : PCT with TRS v2

Do you think AHv3 should be added for the nextr 4 weeks too ? then this should give :
Week 1-8 : 6/ALv3 3/AHv3 3/AD 3pumps/AE
Week 9-12 : 6/ALv3 3/AHv3 3pumps/AE
Week 13-16 : PCT with TRS v2

TRSv2 from PP is enough for a 12 weeks cycle ?

Interesting for me ? what do you think of my diet proposal ? do you coach by internet (for nutrition advices)

Thanks for all
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After advices, I decided to extend my cycle from 8 up to 12 weeks.

Here is what I will do :
- Week 1-12 : 6/AndroLean.v3 3/AndroHard.v3 3pumps/AndroEnhance
- Week 1-8 : 3/AndroDrive
- Week 13-16 : PCT with TRSv2 from Primordial Performance
After advices, I decided to extend my cycle from 8 up to 12 weeks.

Here is what I will do :
- Week 1-12 : 6/AndroLean.v3 3/AndroHard.v3 3pumps/AndroEnhance
- Week 1-12 : 2/AndroDrive
- Week 13-16 : PCT with TRSv2 from Primordial Performance
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I try to re-evaluate my macros and what I find is worries me a bit

My diet is based on Carb Back-loading from Kiefer who is recommanding to eat 50/50 on prot/fat on days without resistance training (to summarize).
If there's a workout, he recommands to eat 50/50 till the workout. Carbs and prots only after workout (fat in the end of the day/night)

If I use these macros and increase my actual amount of protein, the amount of fat will automatically perilously increase

My weight is about 190lbs.
My new macros give 250-300g of prot/day. So these will bring 250-300g of fat. Even if I believe on Kiefer's plan, I don't know if it's usable when PHs or gears are used ? Without them, no problems, it works very well 'cause I tried it successfully but without ???

Any help of someone using CBL with chemicals helps ???

Thank you
I try to re-evaluate my macros and what I find is worries me a bit

My diet is based on Carb Back-loading from Kiefer who is recommanding to eat 50/50 on prot/fat on days without resistance training (to summarize).
If there's a workout, he recommands to eat 50/50 till the workout. Carbs and prots only after workout (fat in the end of the day/night)

If I use these macros and increase my actual amount of protein, the amount of fat will automatically perilously increase

My weight is about 190lbs.
My new macros give 250-300g of prot/day. So these will bring 250-300g of fat. Even if I believe on Kiefer's plan, I don't know if it's usable when PHs or gears are used ? Without them, no problems, it works very well 'cause I tried it successfully but without ???

Any help of someone using CBL with chemicals helps ???

Thank you
That sounds complicated and 300 grams of fat is way too high...maybe Matt can get in here and help out but I would look into changing that ratio
After advices, I decided to extend my cycle from 8 up to 12 weeks.

Here is what I will do :
- Week 1-12 : 6/AndroLean.v3 3/AndroHard.v3 3pumps/AndroEnhance
- Week 1-12 : 2/AndroDrive
- Week 13-16 : PCT with TRSv2 from Primordial Performance

When are you starting? Certainly interested to follow along bud
That sounds complicated and 300 grams of fat is way too high...maybe Matt can get in here and help out but I would look into changing that ratio

For your information, I'm actually cutting this month with keto diet with more or less 190g of prot and fat. And I loose about 2lbs/week. That's why I say that I'm confident with this diet
I try to re-evaluate my macros and what I find is worries me a bit

My diet is based on Carb Back-loading from Kiefer who is recommanding to eat 50/50 on prot/fat on days without resistance training (to summarize).
If there's a workout, he recommands to eat 50/50 till the workout. Carbs and prots only after workout (fat in the end of the day/night)

If I use these macros and increase my actual amount of protein, the amount of fat will automatically perilously increase

My weight is about 190lbs.
My new macros give 250-300g of prot/day. So these will bring 250-300g of fat. Even if I believe on Kiefer's plan, I don't know if it's usable when PHs or gears are used ? Without them, no problems, it works very well 'cause I tried it successfully but without ???

Any help of someone using CBL with chemicals helps ???

Thank you

The CBL principles seem pretty logical, and makes sense, but the set-ups (protocols) I have seen appear all over the board with recommendations

I think your fat gram allotment is too high ----I think fat in the 125-150g range is PLENTY.

As for using this dieting technique with hormones --- hormones will make ALL dieting techniques more effective -- never less.
