my bulk with 3J...inside!

bahahahahaha.. BEAST MODE ACTIVATED!!!

looking good bro!!! hella great results!! 3J definitely knows his shit...if anyone was doubting it or wanting to know why they should use him this is some damn proof if you ask me!!
WOW! I so need to get me some 3J plans!!! Thread and Thread again, I continue seeing nothing but positive!
been blasting and cruising for 1 year almost now. my first cycle was test only. second cycle was test+deca and now my current 3rd blast is tren ace/test.

i started the current tren/test cycle very early i've finished 8 weeks now. starting weight was 108kg's...current weight is 106kg'. diet is provided by none other than 3J of course. i am not under his coaching at the moment..but the diet is still his. i have to be honest and say i have not been a 100% strict with the diet..i do have cheat meals here and there..its hard with family functions and the traveling in have to do sometimes. but for the most part i am on track and put my cardio time in

plan was to loose weight slowly over this far i've only dropped 2kg's on the scale..but body composition has changed quite a bit and waist has dropped 1" inch. strength has increased on this cycle..but no huge jumps due to my calorie intake.

currently i am on week 8..i will get some new pics this friday

week 3 (108kg's)


week 6 (106kg's)




haha ok not quite there with the abs yet..but i think if i can drop another 2-3 kg's i will be happy.

any criticism welcome..i have two full time jobs and a 16 month old time is tight..i do the best i can with what i got :)
70 minutes of LISS, 3 times a week. usually i feel this would be plenty for me to see more weight loss..but honestly Art, i have not been able to be too strict with the diet. i am trying my best bro.