my cycle


New member
Okey =) i wanna hear some comments of my cycle i am not competing just training and trying get mass :shoot2:

Now i have been 5 weeks on this kind of cycle and it is 20 weeks long :shoot2:

-Trenbolone énthante 400mg / week
-Omnadren 1000mg / week
-Equipoise 500mg / week
-Deca 400mg / week

Today i started with insulin i shoot 8iu slin after workout 5 times a week.
Now i am 210 lbs at the moment i try to get 250 lbs at this 20 weeks. I am sure i will get my weight to 250 lbs for sure :shoot2: Is it good to run slin without HGH ??? Benefits are still good without HGH ? Should i raise my slin dosage to 10iu or 12iu ? :rolleyes:
weussi said:
Is it normal after slin shot i feel little sleepy ?

no you do not want to go to sleep after shooting slin...
you need carbs!!!!!!!!!!
if you fuck up and dont consume the right amount of carbs you can get seriously that i mean death!!!!

stop fucking around with slin until you know what the hell you are doing with it..

as for your cycle honestly at 210 youre using way,way,way to much gear!!!!!!!!!!

lets put it this way..if you told me you are taking jsut 1g of omna's i would tell you its too much..that should put inot perspective how much you are overdosing
haha im not stupid. It is just a side effect that after slin shot you feel little dizzy and sleepy. i take 100 - 120g carbs after slin... and 8iu i didnt get nothing but little dizzynes and i feel little sleepy. Today i raise it 10iu. 10iu would be good dosage =)